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Sitting On The Porch In Ithaca - A Running Commentary

Well, I'm out on the front porch. It would be a lovely, cool, quiet day, if it weren't for the fact that my father's next door neighbor has a friend working on his house and this work has been going on for the better part of a year.  No apparent changes to the house, but the guy sure can make noise.  So I've decided to start writing whatever I see from this window looking out into the surreal world that is Ithaca.

2:45 - Neighbor across the street playing Frisbee with his dog.  Why is he wearing a batting glove?

2:52 - Ted Nugent's twin brother just walked by, leather hat, denim, Brillo hair.

2:54 - A beautiful cardinal just landed on a fence and immediately took off. I just passed gas. I'm one with nature.

2:57 - A student driver just did a perfect three point turn. I stood and applauded. They hit the curb.

3:01 - Two people who each weighed about 320lbs walking with a wiener dog. Hope they make it home before lunch.

3:03 - Hello college girl....for the love of god I hope she's in college.

3:11 - Guy with button down shirt and khakis, with a camo backpack just walked by doing about 30 mph. In a big city, this would be a terror suspect.

3:20 - It dawns on me that karma is setting in. Yesterday, a rainy day, a million people walked by. Today, nothing.

3:21 - Just as I say it, two people run by, Joan Benoit and Forrest Gump are training together.

3:23 - Booming Stereo (a first around here) and it sounds like rap music....White 30-something in a maroon Volvo. Gangsta!

3:25 - Little kid walks by and stares at me. Wonder what everyone is wondering. "It's 3:25, when does he plan on brushing his hair?"

3:31 - Crazy hot woman just walked by, but not the norm here. Cowboy boots and skin tight jeans. Maybe she's lost.

3:32 - I'm listening to Kate Nash and I think I need to date a European singer who doesn't lose her accent when she sings.  Are you listening Kate Nash, Ellie Goulding, Lily Allen, Dolores O'Riordan?

3:52 - Some kid just walked by and gave a really goofy smile and paused. He's either a little goofy or he really loves Taste of Honey's Boogie Oogie Oogie.

3:53 - Two brothers just rode by on bicycles. I never did that with my brother.  Probably because my brother was beating 21 year olds in races at 16 and I was 26 and could barely walk.

4:03 - It's like a village of Gumps. Six joggers in a row.

4:11 - Note to self.  There's a blind spot from my Dad's porch to the sidewalk. No bedroom eyes to mother's who are talking to themselves, it might just be their young child.


  1. I'm literally laughing out loud!

  2. I love visiting my laid back and the people are nuts. I just saw a guy on a bicycle with a yoga mat and a wooden drum...the two seconds later a guy comes driving down the street and a lawnmower falls out of his trunk and he get out and turns it on, cuts some grass in front of someone's house, turns it off and puts it back in his car.


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