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Quickie Review - The Station Agent

I had never heard of this movie until two days ago, when reading an article about an actor's five favorite films, I saw this title. Almost as unusual as this film was the source of the tip, Method Man, yes, that the one from the Wu Tang Clan.

The films doesn't have any unnecessary scenes and the three main characters are truly perfect in every scene. Michelle Williams ads beauty and pain, as she always seems to do, as the cutesy, yet "troubled" young librarian. Dinklage is perfect and it is no surprise to read that the role was written for him, as was Clarkson's and Cannavale's. Clarkson, I've grown to realize, is great in any role, no matter how large or how small, she gives it the care each film needs. She plays a character here that is so simply stated, but so mentally complex, without ever coming across as generic. The real hero of the film is Cannavale, not simply for the much needed levity, but for the portraying that loneliness doesn't have a type and to remind us that extroverts, especially good looking and caring ones, can hurt from being alone too. That being alone is often a choice, but not an easy one.

The ending, which gets much of the attention, is important. It's simple and those who got the two little nuggets (one about the food and one about Emily) understand that the entire film isn't about wanting the world, but just enough, but never forgetting that there is more to life. Without a doubt, one of the best movies of the last 10-15 years.


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