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Why I'm Turning Into A Crazy Cat Guy

He can spend hours, laying in bed with me, only moving to get closer.
Many nights, he sleeps in a chair, while I sit at a computer, only getting up, to jump onto a table, turn over, so his chin can be scratched, then batting my hand away, when he's content.
He will go from ferociously biting me, to licking my hand. His way of thanking me for allowing him to retain some of his animal instincts.
Whenever I go to make a meal, he jumps on the table and faces where he thinks I'll be sitting.
When there is thunder, he will watch the rain outside, while sitting on the windowsill, act strong, then nestle under blankets, resting his entire body against my legs or chest. Immediately jumping out, when he feels the loud booms have subsided.
He circles my feet when he hasn't seen me in a while, then drops to the ground for scratches. He sometimes does this while I'm walking down the stairs, so this might be my last blog.
He allows me to hold him like a baby at times.
He kneads my legs at times and I let him. Despite the fact that it tears my skin to pieces.
Despite only being about two months old, he knew one day I was saddened by something and didn't leave my side.
We share breakfast (and I mean share literally) ever morning. The two times we haven't recently, he's not been himself the rest of the day and I've felt terrible. Those evenings however, he made sure I knew it was OK.
He has the weakest meow ever. Which makes me worry, because it's hard to hear when he's upset by something (like being locked in or out of a room).
He gets these little black boogers and despite them drying and hurting at times, he allows me to clean them off. Sounds gross, but it's someone trusting us, even when it hurts, that we all need.
While I admit, this isn't the smartest thing, when he gets too rough biting and scratching, I put my face near his and he swats me in the face, but never once with his claws.
When he's just woken up, he's like a drunk. His balance isn't where it should be and his jumping ability is hindered....he will stand at the edge of my bed many times and wait for me to pick him up and place him on the ground.
He joins me in the toilet, every time.....every single time.
He does a lot of little things, each and every day, but honestly, he's the only living creature, I go to bed happy, just knowing I have seeing, hearing and spending time with him to look forward to the next day.


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