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Dream Analysis

I've had this ongoing nightmare that has me perplexed.  It's lasted quite some time and the last time I mentioned a dream, a friend of mine gave me her analysis.  It was pretty much on point, so I threw this one at her.  After her analysis I decided to reflect a little and see how her analysis and the dream told me things about myself.  Her analysis is italicized for the reading comprehension impaired.

Here is my initial post on her Facebook page: Hey dream analyzer - had a dream the other night that someone was trying to kill me. This has been an ongoing dream (for like two years) with the same person after me (I don't know them). The person always appears and I get away. In the dream, I write my dreams down, because I'm also dreaming I'm being chased by this person. They told me if I burn all my written down dreams, they'd leave me alone. So I do this. But while doing this, I meet a woman. She asks me what I'm doing and I tell her. Now he's trying to kill her and she wants my help, but the would be killer now keeps telling me he's going to kill her (BTW I don't know her either). OK, so what's the deal? Aside from me needing therapy and detox! Oh and yes, I have a job....two. So Dr. What's your prognosis? And everyone is probably going to ask you "who the hell is the wacko writing on your wall."

To see a killer in your dream, suggests that an essential aspect of your emotions have been cut off. You feel that you are losing your identity and your individuality. To dream that you are being threatened, indicates that you have internalized some fear. You are feeling inadequate or oppressed. To dream that you are being chased, signifies that you are avoiding a situation that you do not think is conquerable. It is a metaphor for some form of insecurity.

I agree that in many ways I feel I've lost my identity.  My close circle of friends has diminished, some due to relocation, some due to marriage and children and others have just faded away, much due to my inability to stay in touch with anyone.  I probably have more friends now, but many don't know the real me.  They see the crazy teenager trapped in a 40-year-old body and that is all they know.  I have fun in my life, but the down to earth conversations are less and less. 

I definitely have been internalizing a fear.  The fear that I'll be 60 doing the same things I'm doing at 40, which sadly are the same things I was doing at 20.  I don't need a big house, 2.2 kids and a white picket fence, but it would be nice to have security.  It's something we all crave and is the base of a happy, healthy life.  I don't have that and many times I feel it leads to unhappiness and stress, which as we all know can affect your health.

My insecurities and my avoidance issues are probably due to the things I feel I've come up short on in my life.  These are many and seem to be a growing list.  This isn't to say I'm not proud of many things, but there are so many things I've said I wanted to do, but seem to find it easier to make excuses as to why I haven't.  I make excuse, as my mother used to put it, I put up walls that don't need to be there.  It's something I know I do, but just continue because it's easier than tackling situations, relationships and other struggles.

To see or dream about your handwriting, represents your self-expression and creativity. Consider the symbolism of what you are handwriting and how it relates to your waking life.�The dream may be trying to warn you against something as in "the handwriting is on the wall". To see something burning in your dream, indicates that you are experiencing some intense emotions and/or passionate sexual feelings. There is some situation or issue that you can no longer avoid and ignore.

The part about my handwriting is interesting, because in my mind there are tons of ideas.  I've wanted to write a screenplay forever.  I have the ideas, but when I sit down to write them, they disappear, much like waking from a dream.  Or maybe it is the writing on the wall, telling me to shit or get off the pot.  Maybe it's my ability to easily dispense the thought of actually going after things, when I know it's easier not to. 

The fire might be about my internal passion for people I'm attracted to, but don't pursue because of the fear of rejection or the fear that it might work and that would put an added, although pleasant, stress on my life.  Maybe it's the realization that I have to move on.  I've done it physically, I've done it mentally, but I haven't acted on the fact that being hurt is part of life. It's how we learn.  I've done it to others, I've had it done before and maybe I need to act.  Or maybe, like the Oasis song says "the fire in your (my) heart is out."

To see a woman in your dream, represents nurturance, passivity, caring nature, and love. It refers to your own female aspects or your mother. Alternatively, a woman indicates temptation and guilt.

Maybe the faceless woman, who I feel the need to protect is my subconscious telling me that I need to fill the mental void of missing my mother.  She cared and nurtured me in my youth and I returned the favor in her dying days.  I think about her more and more and quite possibly, it's me internalizing the fact that I need to love, to be loved again.  That unconditional love that we share with so few in our lives.  I'm not tempted by much and there are very few things in my life I feel true guilt for, so I'm thinking this is a sign.  My dream is telling me that someone needs me to be there for them.  To protect, to nurture and quite possibly, to love.

So, with a little help from my dream analyzer and a little self-reflection, maybe it's time to make some changes.  Maybe it's time to start doing the things that I avoid.  To face my fears.  I've always hated the phrase Carpe Diem, but maybe it's time, instead of rolling my eyes, I embrace the thought.  Maybe it's time, I go for the things I'm missing, even if I don't realize I'm missing them.  Maybe if I can change the things that bother me in the real world, I can save the girl and the dream killer will stop haunting me.  Only time will tell.

Thanks Jenna!


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