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Results of the Baby Bucket List (with some new additions)

Back in April of last year I wrote a blog called the baby bucket list and it was ten things I wanted to accomplish before the end of the year. I was not very successful in fulfilling this list and it bothers me. Some were just not to be. Some I did achieve, but none of the ones that really took effort. Well here's the wrap-up.

1. Play Beer Pong - succeeded, but must admit, I'm pretty bad at it. I also don't see the point of it really. I'm drinking while I'm playing and then I'm told to drink. Seems like it actually slows your drinking down. Maybe I'm missing something.
2. Try Foie Gras - unsuccessful, but it did dawn on me that I've had pate, so isn't that almost the same?
3. Not cry at my brother's wedding - I never even got close to crying at the ceremony. I was too busy trying not to sweat to death. Eighty degree days in mid-September. Who called for that?
4. Go to Ellis Island - Not even close. Waiting til this spring or summer.
5. See my friends Brett, Troy & Simon - Sadly, I don't even think I spoke to them other than maybe some Facebook texting since I wrote this. Brett called me the other day, but I missed the call and haven't found time to call him back. I'm horrible.
6. Rent a house by a lake - I never did anything even remotely resembling a vacation this year. Money was tight. Hopefully this year will be different.
7. Go to Boston - I didn't leave the state since April. Oh wait, I went to Connecticut for work. Very boring life I lead.
8. I want to eat at a top restaurant - I can't even speak about this, it burns me so badly. But plans are on the way to take a trip. I've modified this for my new list.
9. I want to spend a day in NYC & Brooklyn (My old stomping grounds) seeing all the things I've passed over - One day, one day!
10. The last item on my list is the easiest - I want to try to stop procrastinating. As you can see by my 22% success rate on the first nine, I'm not achieving the final one.

Since I still have eight to achieve this year, I'm modifying the list. Foie Gras is on the list, but I'm gonna throw on some other things. Sweetbreads, tripe, and raw oysters. I've had the last one, but not in some time. I am hoping to speak to my friends sooner than later. Maybe if a visit can work out, we'll do it, but these guys mean too much to me to ignore and not find time for. The lake house and Boston and being combined into a damn trip. A vacation. I had planned on one for this week, but works been slow and the funds just aren't there. They never are when I want to venture away from home. The top restaurant is changing to "a restaurant." Meaning, I want to go out to eat more. I had privately promised myself to try five places in Westchester I've been meaning to go to and get those under my belt first. First is Sushi Nanase in White Plains. I want to order the omikase and let my taste buds experience everything the chef has to offer. Anyone else wanna spend $85 on sushi? The second is right across the street from Piper's Kilt and I've been meaning to go to Jackie's Bistro for years. It's just plain silly. That will be hit before spring. Even if I have to go and have Sweetbreads while dining alone. The third is the Tarry Lodge. I've heard wonderful things about it and want to try it. Lidia Bastianich and Mario Batali are involved. How bad could it be? The fourth is Restaurant X in Congers. I hear Peter Kelly's multi-course brunch is well worth the $38 price tag. Finally, the fifth one is Peter Kelly's Yonkers place. X2O. The menu makes my mouth water and I've yet to hear a negative comment on it. Then maybe I will be ready for Le Bernardin. I've promised people to get down to Brooklyn and to the city. I will not let them down.

If I can do all these things, maybe the final one will be cured. That being said, maybe I should start tomorrow by taking the DVD player out of the box it's been in for a year and a half and hook it up. That might be a start.


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