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Think About It Facebookers

Did your kid grow in the last 24 seconds?
Do you call people on the phone or text them every song you listen to?
Do you go to the gym for your health and beauty or for recognition?
Do you eat weird, nasty tasty foods and supplements for you or for others?
Does anyone really care about anyone else while stuck in traffic?
Did you go away to relax or to show people you could?
Do you think you're kids appreciate the pictures you post of them suffering?
Do you think your cold is any less debilitating than others?
Did you think your shitty relationship would change with marriage? Kids?
Do you think 24 degrees is colder at your house than others?
Do you think money issues don't affect us all?
Do you think calling out your friends for not being there, brings them closer?

Realize we all love seeing your kids.  In moderation.
We all like to learn things about each other, but not trivial stuff.
I admire anyone who wants to better themselves, for them.
Your diet, is your diet, but it's not ours, so don't judge.
Nobody likes being in a jam, but some of us grin and bare it.
We all love knowing our friends can get away, but don't rub our noses in it.
Kids are fragile and in today's world, think before you include them in nonsense.
Being sick sucks, but don't one up someone when they are down.
Relationships are hard work.  Ask someone who made theirs work.
Weather happens and we all get by. Look for the person who can't.
If people knew some of their friend's struggles they'd be ashamed of themselves.

A lot of people get mad when people don't like or respond, but our lives are complex.  It's not always something you did or something that happened.  Sometimes it's as simple as our own lives have overwhelmed us.  One of my best friends in the world has not heard my voice in over two years.  I love this man.  He will always be a true friend. I haven't called, because I don't want our time to be spent speaking about my woes.  I want it to be hugging, drinking and speaking about our wonderful past and or visions for the future. If I were truly in need, I'd reach out.  If the world was my oyster, he'd be right next to me enjoying the spoils. 

Facebook is a tool.  I use it to make people laugh, to make people think and to make people understand there is more to life than their tiny little worlds.  The one's who get it, love and appreciate me for it and they tell me.  The one's who don't ridicule me publicly, but much more commonly, privately.  Understand that I know who does and I know what you say.  If you don't know, you've lost touch with the social part of social media.  I was told I have no right to tell people what they can write, say or try and monitor their opinions, by someone who does this in real life with every person they meet. So because I put it in print, my actions speak louder?  Judging others who do as you do, because you have a reason, an excuse or because you feel you are teaching them, makes you no different than I.  The only difference, is I don't enforce my actions. If you laugh, you laugh.  If you cry, you cry.  If you think, you think.  If you open your mind to anything, even a little, even if you wholeheartedly disagree with me.  I've won.  I don't need a like or a comment to make me whole.  You're on my friend list, because we share something, however minute. I might judge your differences, but chances are it's something that drew me to you in the first place. If they are moral or ethical differences or if you disrespect me or my true friends, then I will take issue.  Our voices might not always mesh, but I respect them fully, as long as they aren't wasted 24/7 on triviality. 


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