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Random Thoughts

It's been a while since I've jotted down some of my inane thoughts.  This week has been one of minor and major revelations and I feel some of them need to be voiced.  I'm sure the four people that read this are waiting for something profound along the lines of "I think, therefor I am."  Ain't gonna happen. You're stuck with this crap.

During a recent GOP debate in Florida, Rick Santorum made derogatory comments after a video of a gay soldier was played.  Spectators booed the soldier and then cheered Santorum.  While I agree that I could care less who the guy fighting next to me is fucking, his comments had deeper meaning and the fact he's still a candidate says a lot about the moral fiber of this country. Especially Florida.

If four babies, one white, one black, one Spanish, and one Asian were born on a remote island all alone, would they grow up to believe in a God?  Would they be racist?  Would they be homophobic?  Would they be friends or enemies?  Would they have different political beliefs?  The answer is fairly simple.  NO!  Chances are if four babies were born on an island with no parents, they would die of starvation.

Last night I went to a bar and drank club soda and found a very interesting correlation. The amount of one's noticeable slurring is magnified by the listeners sobriety.  I also wonder about something else.  The use of cocaine to extend the amount of time one can drink makes no sense.  It's like taking a Viagra-to-be-an-asshole pill.

Public buses not taking dollar bills might be one of the biggest inconveniences of modern technology. Didn't they take them 20 years ago?

I haven't had a really good meal in a long time.  I mean, white linens, expensive wine (aka overpriced wine) and a really good steak or fish dish.  I had a pizza smothered in onions a few weeks ago with a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc on a coffee table with great company.  I'll take that nine times out of ten.

Probably the best thing anyone has said to me about the challenges of my life change was said to me last night.  We were discussing changing habits and routines.  She said "you have to go from being The Mayor to a recluse.  That is your biggest challenge."  Nobody could have put it in better perspective.  The hardest part of this change isn't the drinking part it's the social interaction part.  Living and doing it alone is the hardest part.

From 30-40, I could count the times I walked over a mile in one day on one hand.  The number of times I've done it since June....about 12.  The number of times I've walked over 2 miles.....four times.  The number of times over four miles.....once.  Either some time this week or next week (it's a little muggy this week), I am going to start a routine.

I recently found out the after school program I run is down in numbers big time from last year.  The woman running it said it's the economy.  I agreed and then did some research.  There are 85 pet grooming business in Westchester/Rockland.  There are about 12 ice cream or gelato places within 3 miles of here.  There are dance studios all over the place.  I have lost count of the nail salons in Westchester.  There are a thousand gyms or weight loss centers in Westchester. I have no idea how many cab services there are, but it's crazy.  In the 1980's, money was flowing like water and people groomed their own pets, bought ice cream in containers in the supermarket, danced at parties in their own houses (well or poorly), painted their own nails, worked out at home and if they needed to lose weight went on a diet and took public transportation if they couldn't drive or walk.  Their whatever they needed.

I don't think I ate an avocado until I was about 30.  I hated it.  Didn't like guacamole until about five years ago.  Today, I could eat avocados for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Why do they have to be $2 a piece?

I made a joke last night about the Dept. of Labor.  I was in their office the other day and it struck me that every person there was on a cell phone.  Funny how our priorities have changed.  $110 a month to play words with friends is more important than food!

Do you know the single hardest place to get a paying job?  A non-profit organization.  I have a feeling a small few might just be making a profit.

The other night, in a moment of weakness and to thank myself for my change, I bought a yellow hostess cupcake (yes I know there are two).  I don't know what heroin feels like, but it can't be any better than that.

With all due respect to my two friends in Westchester who own pizzerias, I find it awful that the state of pizza in NY has become so sad that I prefer Tombstone and Celeste pizzas to pizzeria pizza.  Last time I was in Brooklyn and I stopped in to the first place I saw and got a plain slice.  Better than any slice I've ever had in Westchester in my life.  Why Why Why?

Last week I slept less than 25 hours the entire week.  This my friends, is not healthy.  I was only tired once during this time and last night I crashed, albeit at 2am.  I woke up at 6:15.  I missed a text from someone I dearly wanted to speak to, but that's OK.  I'm sure they were tired too.  I actually set a goal for myself this week of a minimum of 35 hours.  I know that even sounds crazy, but I never really sleep more than 5 hours a night with a usual crash night of 7-8.  I'm at 4.25 as of now.  Maybe a nap is in order this afternoon.

Funniest line of the night by a friend who reads this.  8:15PM - one drink, order food, I'm outta here.  9:15PM - after this inning let me put my order in. 9:20 - steak sandwich and I better get an order of mozzarella sticks so the kids don't get mad I didn't bring them anything.  10:30 - OK I really gotta go.  See you later (grabs food for himself and kids)  So what's the funny line?  Me turning to the bartender "food for this kids at 10:30?  Does he even know they have school tomorrow?"

I dare anyone to watch one of the movies in the Final Destination series and then sit near one of the ceiling fans in Mickey Spillane's.

I was just thinking about the first time I had sex...with a sheep.  Baaaaaad news.


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