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Five Things I've Recently Learned From Facebook

1. Despite most of my Facebook friends being Republicans, moaning and groaning about Obama and the economy (which makes about as much sense as blaming sickle cell anemia for Michael Jackson's death...take a minute to think about that one) it seems everyone on Facebook has gone on vacation for at least a week. I on the other hand have not. The people who haven't gone away are generally those horrible liberals who have backed this current administration. As I sit here feeling deathly ill, waiting for some sort of relief, I have heard nothing but town hall meetings describing the horrors of this "socialist" health care reform. If you're a civil servant or a teacher you have great health care provided for you at a fraction of the cost, so please keep your voices down, we're not taking anything away from you. My point is, the ones complaining are the haves and the ones who aren't are the have-nots. I'd say that the United States in a functioning irony, but the problem is that 90% of our country isn't smart enough to understand irony.

2. Insomnia is not going to be cured because of this website. I have found that when I can't sleep, there is always a silly quiz I can take or a game I can play. Maybe even a fellow insomniac that wants to chat about all things nocturnal. Maybe instead of chatting we should use Facebook as the dating website. Wouldn't it make sense that two insomniacs get together to watch the stars and possibly form some bond instead of spending lonesome hours developing carpal tunnel syndrome? And isn't it more interesting to answer 20 random questions over a glass of wine than sitting in your boxers staring at infomercials for the Slap/Chop?

3. People with kids have taken more pictures in the last week than I have in my life. I admit it, I'm not a camera guy. I have somewhat of a photographic memory, so paying for prints from Aunt Mable's 75th birthday party doesn't really excite me. By the way, I know facebook is an open forum for people to share with everyone their life stories, but I'm sure not everyone wants that picture of them drunk off their ass laying in their own vomit plastered all over for friends and family to see. Also, I've said it once and I'll say it again. I'm guilty of this too, but it was a Facebook joke...what is with white suburban douche bags throwing up the gang signs in every picture? When did this become commonplace at family picnics in Scarsdale or Long Island? Listen if someone says say cheese and you feel it necessary to throw up two finger or even your middle finger while pursing your lips. You need help. What ever happened to smiling? I'm seeing this in people's wedding photos. What the hell is wrong with our society when this is normal behavior for adults?

4. OK,some people are going to want to make me feel like Tina Turner after Ike's in a bad mood, but I'm gonna say it anyway. Listen, if you have enough time to post how hard parenting is multiple times a day, it's not that difficult. If you have a job that is so stressful that you can post about it every half hour, pssst, it's not that stressful. If you have a blackberry that chimes every time someone responds to your status update and you respond to them, you're not that pressed for time. Listen the only time I check my Facebook page at work, even when I'm not busy is when I eat lunch. I don't take 45 minutes or an hour for lunch, I take about 15 minutes, so if I check it once or twice during the day, I don't feel like it's a horrible thing, but I don't. On some occasions I accidentally leave myself signed on from home so everyone thinks that's all I do, but in general, facebook is a home-time vice. I don't see how anyone with enough time to comment all day long is run that ragged, sorry!

5. I really have started to re-evaluate my younger years. I've become friendly with people on facebook recently that I knew back in high school that for one reason or another we never connected. In the last few weeks, I've had some wonderful conversations with these people and it made me realize just how silly high school is. Everyone is so desperate to fit into some niche that they disregard all those who aren't in the group they aspire to be in. Facebook has allowed me to learn more about those I didn't want to be with. It's those people I find myself drawn towards. Maybe it's because I feel so many people I grew up with still live in the past, in those groups. They think that because they were the jock, or the cheerleader, or the brain in high school that they are still segregated by some mysterious power that only allows them to socialize with like people. it's sad, because there are so many people out there I wish I had known when. I think my adolescent years would have been richer for knowing them and maybe I would have taken a cue from them and ended up in a better place. It's not so say I don't value my friendships from the past, but I've found that so many haven't really moved on. I feel like Westchester is a wonderful place to live, but it sucks you in and confines you in so many ways. I'm guilty of not wanting to travel as much as I should, I'm guilty of being a regular in the local restaurants and bars, I'm not saying these are bad things, but with comfort comes conformity. I'd like to think I'm above that. Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not.


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