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A Letter to April

April in retrospect felt like it flew by. In reality it dragged. Not out of boredom, but out of the sheer amount of time I feel I spent awake during this month. Work finally started picking up and my after school gig was in full swing. Money was made, but in looking back, more was spent. It seems like that is the case quite a bit now. The stupor of March continued throughout the early weeks of April. March Madness came to a close, but was quickly replaced by opening day and the exciting Masters. Life doesn't revolve around sports though. Or does it? Hey one wonderful moment did come in August. The Yankees received their World Series Championship rings which were probably the ugliest championship ring ever made. I know, you'll take it however you can get it. I just love being a ball breaker.

April had some comical moments, like being awoken by my boss who asked me if I was coming in to work one day and I replied, "On a Saturday?" Apparently, it was Friday. Then there was the night I snapped my key off in my car door. I can tell everyone the full story about this mishap now, but on this rare occasion I had about $3600 in my glove compartment and couldn't get into my car. This was not an enjoyable feeling. In the end, it cost me $235 and I learned a valuable lesson - always have a spare.

April also saw me take a week off of drinking. Being sick for five of the days definitely helped. That wagon was quickly put back in the shed and the debauchery commenced the following week. I have to figure out a way to go out and party it up seven days a week without spending every dime I have. I wish there was a way. But the wagon and the melatonin allowed for a great month of dreams. Some were too out there.

April had some cold nights, but some beautiful days. One question still looms in my head when it comes to weather that calls for shorts. Uggs? Ladies, is this really the look you're going for. What's with April and people discussing the weather? Is this necessary? Ever?

I also have a new personal hero. Laura Hall. She's the 20-year-old who is currently banned from every bar in England and Wales. She violated the ASBO laws. ASBO stands for Anti Social Behavior Order. Now think about the last time you were out. If there was someone you'd want to hang with, it's someone who gets so drunk and parties so hard they got thrown out of every bar in the entire country. I've been thrown out of bars, physically and figuratively and if memory serves me right, they were some of the best nights of my life. Laura Hall, I'd like to buy you a drink!

I had to listen to more ignorance regarding health care and other political shenanigans. Apparently, every Republican believes that on January 20, 2009 Obama called everyone in Mexico and invited them in with the lure of free health care, high paying jobs, and tons of other perks. I was unaware, but in the last thirty years the only times illegal immigrants have come to this country were 1992-1999 and 2009-present. This is information that was new to me. Me and sixty-seven million others. I started ignoring these conversations, because I realized it was just going to get me frustrated. It also made me start to ponder. I made a quick mental list of the ten people who I think are the brightest I know. Not the ten people who did the best in college. Not the ten people I philosophically agree with. Not ten people I'm even necessarily good friends with. Just the ten people, I think are the most well-rounded and logical. Now I can't be 100% certain who voted for who, but eight of the ten were Democrats. I started expanding the list and the margin only closed slightly. Being that I live in Eastchester, I guess when I got to someone from there (oh no he didn't), I would have gotten the number close to even.

Well April, you're over now. May has brought some heat and some much needed business for one of my jobs, while the finish line is in sight at the other. I'm not necessarily happy about the latter, because it's paid me handsomely and it has really been a lot of fun for the most part. I'm going to try and settle down a little in May and June. Not completely, but possibly get back to cooking dinners and enjoying some movie nights. Maybe someone will come along and join me for some of these evenings. Make my life a little less sordid and a ittle more content. Who knows? Maybe May will bring in the stormy discontent I felt last summer. I'll think good thoughts and hope for the best.


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