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Free Writing - Take 92 (Social Media)

Social media has taught me that my estimation of my average friend having an IQ of about 100 (which is below the US average), was way too high. The number of professional educators I know, who don't understand how to write properly, is frightening. There are no rules saying, smart people can spell and dumb people can't, but when you're constantly writing lesson plans and letters, you'd think common words would be ingrained in you.

Social media has taught me that most, yes most, of my friends will believe something in a meme over anything written with a citation. I proved someone wrong the other day, beyond a shadow of a doubt, with photographic evidence, no less, and their reaction? "We'll just have to agree to disagree." How does one agree to disagree with a fact?

Social media has taught me that everyone who posts happiness, contentment and zen, 24/7 is desperately crying out. What amazes me is they all have the same hobbies in common and same diet. The people who simply post pictures of their food, aren't the ones I mean. It's the ones that push their way of life onto you. It's not a deep concern for ecology or a love of beets, but it's their mind telling them, if I can convince one person that they enjoy this, it'll mask my pain. It's simple psychology. Pack mentality works, even when it's built on a lie.

Social media has taught me that people that are promiscuous, especially those committing adultery, aren't nearly as clever as they think. People who are openly looking for this, but have yet to act, are even more obvious. The people who are content are also fairly obvious, because they never feel the need to make their significant other appear like anything more or less than they are and this varies by relationship. That one word is where it is all telling and easy to see.

Social media has taught me that I tend to say more to people than I ever would in person. Call it gossip, call it being catty, call it whatever name you wish, but the reality is, if you're going to live a life that is one way and try and fool others, you can't be upset when your secrets are revealed. I have almost no secrets, because anyone who wants to know can just ask.

Social media has taught me that the scariest bigotry is social media bigotry, because it's not even considered bigotry, but a first amendment right. This is not a right. It's hate. If you hide behind the word opinion, you're a coward, like most bigots. Don't think, because you've brought the Constitution into it, you've raised the level. You've actually lowered it, without your misinterpretation of the document.

Social media has taught me that the more technology we have, the less we use it; trusting that others have for us. Dangerous assumption, when everyone makes it.

Social media has taught me that happiness isn't an easy thing to come by and that a laugh or a patient ear, is all we can really ask some days. Health helps too.

Social media has taught me, that when social media becomes your main source of communication with those you call friends, your friends list gets shorter and those you confide in gets even smaller. I'm lucky for the few I have. I look forward to hearing from them every day. I really do.


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