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The Morning After - The GOP Debate(s)

I admit it. I only watched one hour of the second one, but watched clips of the rest.

Let me first start by saying, that unlike others, I didn't care one bit what Donald Trump had to say, because anyone who follows politics understands he has zero chance of winning the nomination.

I'll also add this. Of all my friends, the people who support Donald Trump on Facebook are, in general the ones I'd put in the bottom 5-10% in terms of intelligence. I don't mean they aren't nice, kind people, but if it came to book smarts, these are the ones who never opened the book. Mean? Sorry, it's true. They are the wrong "their, there, they'res" of the world and no, not because of auto correct, they simply aren't intelligent human beings on any subject and their convictions don't add up to intelligence.

Megyn Kelly asked a question about God speaking to the candidates. Not only is it irrelevant, but to answer the question, in a public office seeking forum, is....wait for it, Unconstitutional. It's actually written into the Constitution as something that is never to be allowed. Well played Fox News.

Trump went all-in on anti-feminism and to make matters worse, he threatened the moderator. People will praise his balls, but the reality is, he just lost a huge section of the female vote he actually led in.

Ben Carson called conjoined twins, Siamese. He also said we need to get past talking about race. BTW, he's the black guy, who is a neurosurgeon.

Every one of the people standing before you is a multi-millionaire and while some did achieve their success on their own merits, it's important to remember who is now footing their bills.

In case you didn't get it, this was an attack on Donald Trump, because Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes can't stand the man. How did Trump do? 13% of this answer had a bit of truth to them and not a single one stood up to "mostly true" by Politifacts measurements. In simple terms, he got crushed.

Caryl Fiorina won the early debate by almost all accounts and she did so in stunning fashion. She didn't say a single thing that was true.

So who is out as of tomorrow? Mike Huckabee & Kasich
Who is holding on by a thread? Chris Christie, Rick Perry and Rand Paul
Who helped themselves? Fiorina, Rubio, Carson (please explain this) and Walker
Who would my guess be for next November? Jeb Bush or Cruz

One last interesting note. If this was an independent debate. John Kasich would have been the winner by a landslide, which proves, independents don't exist, because nobody is defending him.

So who was the real winner, if we're being honest? The Democratic Party.


  1. Blah Blah, but what did you think of 500 Days of Summer?!

    1. I sent it back without watching it. I realized there are only 91 1/4 days of summer, so I didn't want to watch a mistake.

    2. There are not enough knife emojis to get you back for that movie

  2. Haha! That'll learn you for never watching Mad Hot Ballroom. Take that!

  3. Haha! That'll learn you for never watching Mad Hot Ballroom. Take that!

    1. Truly one of the worst rom-coms ever made. YOu will pay for this


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