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Saving Money In Summertime

The warm weather is here and everyone is happy.  It's officially playtime for many kids, as well as many adults.  One thing that happens every summer to almost all of us.  Spending lots of money!  It seems like summertime is like a vacuum to the wallet.  I have two jobs during the school year, but once school ends I lose a pretty sizable chunk of income.  So I was thinking about ways to save money.  I know, maybe not hitting the bar every night is one, but hey, it's summer.  It's still light out at 8:30.  I don't want to stay home.  So I've come up with a few ways to save a couple of bucks, while not changing too much.

1. My Wedge Theory - when going to the deli, instead of buying that roll for $6.00, spend the extra $1.50 and get a wedge.  Eat half for lunch and save the other half for dinner or for lunch the next day.  You do this twice a week and you're saving $10 a week.  Not only that, you're probably eating less which is always healthy.

2.  Mini-Q's Nights - Invite some friend over and everyone chips in.  Two lbs of ground beef, a package hot dogs and the buns.  A 30 pack of beer and maybe a bottle or two of wine.  You invite six people over - everyone gets a nice 6oz burger, a hot dog, five or six beers and a glass or two of wine.  Don't go crazy with the wine and you can have the entire meal cost under $50.  Sounds costly for a weeknight meal?  Well divide it by six and you see it's a little more than $8/person.  That's less than a #1 at Burger King and about the same as one dish of Chinese food from the takeout place.  Plus, you'll get to share the meal with company and have a fun time.

3.  Cool and Refreshing -summer, the kids want ice cream.  That gets pricey.  Ice cream has gotten crazy in my opinion and most these days taste like shit.  So why not make something a little more nutritious and easily as delicious.  Shaved ice.  You can do this one of two ways.  You can either make a  block of ice and shave it down and add the flavors.  Or put it in a shallow tray, make a simple syrup pour in and add flavors (like lemon and mint) and let it start to freeze.  Scrape with a fork when done and then dish into cups or small bowls.  As good as ice cream and just as refreshing and costs pennies on the dollar. 

4.  Avoid the beach - Go to a local park instead.  You save money on gas and as long as you don't feel the need to be nude, you can still wear your bikini.  If your local beach has a concession stand you know you're going to hit it at least once.  Pack a picnic basket with cold beverages, cold fruit and maybe a sandwich (a wedge to split) and you're good.  Plus, being that everyone is a phone call away, if someone needs you, a party breaks out, or there's a're good to go.

5.  Eating Out Early - many places have either early bird specials in the summer.  Some have two-for-one specials, some have prix fixe menus, some just have appetizer or drink specials.  Any place where two people can go and save some money, while being out anyway, is a bargain.

6. Eating Light - nobody wants a big bowl of pasta in the summer anyway.  So get in on some big salads.  Spruce them up with grilled chicken or steak.  A nice thinly sliced London broil mixed in with some lettuce, tomatoes and cucumber?  Easy and inexpensive and there are bound to be leftovers.  Throw that on a toasted baguette the next day with some mayo or maybe even some bleu cheese dressing and you've got an awesome steak sandwich.  Don't underestimate the value of corn either.  Corn is inexpensive, delicious and I find it to be quite filling.  If you have a grill, for heaven's sake, don't wrap it in tinfoil.  Take the silk out, without ripping the leaves off and soak it in water.  Before grilling, melt some butter and mix it with oil.  Slather the mixture all over the corn, season with salt and water ever else you like and close the leaves over the kernels.  Apply directly to grill.  When the leaves start to burn, you're ready to chow down. Damn I wish I had a grill.  I want the corn right now!

7.  Turn the Lights Off - This doesn't have to be only a summer rule, but there is something cooling about sitting in the dark.  Maybe it's me, but sometimes when I'm at home I turn the lights off to watch a movie and immediately I'm ready for the covers.  It just has an odd cooling effect.  Not to mention you're saving on electricity and we all love to stick it to Con Edison.

8.  Back to the Grill - along with the fact it's great to grill in the summer.  Not having the oven and stove on will keep your house cooler.  That and when you stand over that hot grill, that cool air will feel that much better when you step back inside.

9.  Vacations - going on vacation?  If you're not getting on a plane and you know where you're going.  Stop at the supermarket before you settle in, even if you're staying in a hotel.  Get dried foods or fruit.  Maybe even milk and cereal or bagels and cream cheese if you have a fridge.  Skipping the local breakfast stops will not only save you cash, but let you start your day a little quicker.  Especially if you have kids. 

These are just some thoughts.  I'm using some of these to pay for my coke binges and prostitutes, but you may find some of these valuable tips for more important goals.  I'm not saying I actually save any money, but if I owned a home, a grill and had a family, I'd be damned if those little cretins are getting the all-you-can-eat pancake special on my dime.  Oh yeah and honey, it's not the only reason the lights are off.


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