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Few Thoughts About Possible Upcoming Changes

I've somewhat decided that the silly facade that Facebook alludes to is not necessary anymore.  585 friends it says.  Yet, every couple of days someone hides behind the cloak of anonymity and the shield of their screen and spouts direct and personal insults at me because they aren't intelligent enough to put their thoughts into concise thoughts.  The latest duo, a pair of brothers, who I once was fairly close with.  Twenty years changes people, but these two are actually quite similar to their 1980's personas.  Ignorant bigots with a sense of entitlement, because they've basically been spoon fed everything their entire lives.  These are the kinds of people that are a cancer to my world.  People who add no social, intellectual or cultural stimulation to my life, but thrive on their own negativity and mask their insecurities with comments about my life.  A life they know nothing about other than what they might read on a status.  Friends like this, on social media and in the fresh air of reality are not what I need and my continuing weeding out of these folks is refreshing.

I've considered going on a serious life altering journey of the mind and body.  I wake every morning and my knees ache so, there are times I can't walk to the bathroom, without the aid of  wall.  I need surgery, but without insurance, it's more of a fantasy.  I don't know exactly what the insurance deal will be in a few months, but by some chance if I have it, I want to be able to get this work done.  I know the best thing for me, with the rigorous rehab that would follow, would be to lose weight before the surgery. I've contemplated many changes, but think I might go a little crazy.  I have this pipe dream to lose 30-45 in the next five months, but I know it will mean reducing my caloric intake to around 1300 calories a day.  While this might sound insane, I've actually started working on a menu to achieve this and it is well balanced with the major food groups and their nutritional components.

Obviously this would also entail the omission of alcohol, which would be difficult, because it would cut out a lot of what  do socially.  I've done it before, for much longer, but I am starting to think I might need this change.  I'm not getting any younger and the lifestyle I've been living is taking it's toll on my body, my mind and my wallet.  We'll see, maybe a modified diet and party schedule, we'll see.  I'll think about it while sipping juleps on Saturday.


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