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Things that will allow me to live in the woods by myself, but still have wifi and not drop dead and get eaten by bears

I ****ing hate New Year's Resolutions and I never keep one.  So I need to call them something else.  I'm going to call them, things that will allow me to live in the woods by myself, but still have wifi and not drop dead and get eaten by bears.

I will stop complaining about insignificant things. I am so critical of the people who complain about traffic on the way to their six digit job, but I complain when the TV goes out and I can't watch the game and eat nachos.  I need to stop that shit.

No more shots.  Shots kill me. Shots make me wake up in the middle of the street. Shots make me pee in places that aren't a toilet.  Shots make me spend ridiculously more money than I need to spend.  Shots also make me believe that the strange girl who asked me to buy her a shot is interested. Estimated time I'll keep this up.... St. Paddy's Day

Get my hip looked at.  I haven't been able to walk without pain in over seven months. I need to do something.  I have a high threshold for pain, but there are days, I literally take 10 minutes walking ten feet to the bathroom.

Get a full time job, but something I can call a career move.  I've been out of full time work, despite looking for a long time.  I just can't find anything even remotely inviting that pays enough to give up my part time gig (which actually pays the bills).  I also haven't found one possible job giving me even 80% of what I was making when I left my old job.

Have a prospect for a new place to live by November. I pay minimal rent, but my space is too small.  At this point in my life, I'd even be willing to have a roommate.  I'm painfully bored (can't stand the town I live in) and need to be around someone.  Of course, finding a significant other would be much better, but as of late, the market for a broke, limping, out of shape, pain in the ass is not great. Sugar Mamas need apply.  I will cook, clean, take care of your kids (if you have any), love your pets and be faithful!  It has also dawned on me that having a few guys and girls over on a Friday night would save me about $50 a week.

Watch more movies.  I know this sounds crazy, but over the last two years, I'm down to somewhere around 120 new movies per year.  I used to watch somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 new movies per year.  I'm so obsessed with film, it hurts not being able to concentrate long enough to watch a two hour film.

Write more.  Not this stupid blog, which 12 people read.  I don't care if I write a manual for how to manually stimulate a hummingbird, I need to get my laptop fixed, get Microsoft word and get going and start writing an hour each day (minimum).

Be more careful trusting people. This is the fifth year in a row I've found myself burned by those who I felt were friends. It's been them cheating on me or my friends going after the person I'm interested in.  It's been opening my heart to those who didn't reciprocate or only pretended to do so.  It's been people I've known for years spreading rumors and lies about me, defending them to others, even though they do so. 

Pay off my personal debts to individuals.  I currently owe four people money.  Nothing crazy mind you, but that facts absolutely kills me.  I just don't have it.  The problem is there is this feeling of guilt every time I have an extra $50-$100 here or there and I spend it on something useless.  I'm going to try and put a little away and try and knock it down, because two of the people truly need it. P.S. I didn't borrow money from any of these people.  Don't ask.

Don't fall into other people's misery and let them turn it into the appearance it's mine. If you know me and my social media ways, you know what I am talking about.  I also need to ignore the maniacs out there and not play into their games.  They are only trying to accumulate likes and comments and don't care when I offer my shoulder to cry on or my time.  I probably need to just cut ties altogether, but it's not in my nature.

I will own a pet by the end of this year.  Most likely a cat, but maybe a dog.  I need a companion and something to snuggle with who I can care for and who will love me unconditionally.

Eat more fish!
Read an entire book!


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