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48 Hours of Faceboohoo A Free Writing ****Fest

I try not curse on social media or in my blog. I find it's immature, but holy fucking shit. How is it possible that out of 594 people, I couldn't find one positive original post in two full days. Sure there was the obligatory "my kid is so fucking cute (because you probably feel guilty for punishing them)" daily pics or the "I loved this so much I had to share it" or the usual "I am doing this fucking nothing for this bullshit charity, which I'm not even sure is real, but I look like a kind soul, so fuck it, I'll post this ribbon or wear this shirt or whatever" picture, but I mean original thought. Not a single, "hey today is going to be a good day" or "I'm proud of myself for not being a total fuckwad" or maybe even "you know what, my kid ain't perfect, but he tried so hard today." Nothing. Not one single post like that. So what I started doing was blocking all the shared links that people share daily. The next, will be the obvious, but it's so common to threaten, but who really cares anyway. Facebook has become the most depressing place on the earth. I shit you not when I know at least four people who have posted pics with the husband or the wife of the person they've been fucking behind their own spouses back and it's insane that anyone could be that fucking stupid. I know people who have sexually assaulted people, giving fucking relationship advice, which is fucking nauseating. I know people who are such magnets to misery, it amazes me they are still actually shocked when the shit goes down. Seriously, I'm no saint and I'll pretty much fess up to my ills, but c'mon people. You owns homes, you have children, you have spouses and you have jobs, which may or may not suck, but you have all the necessities to be happy, but you don't have love in your hearts, because you have greed and envy of everything you see of others. Please realize that they have the same woes as you and if they're showing a picture of their new car, with their big ring and their fancy new dress perfectly framed, they are suffering too. 

I am starting to sound like a damn faith healer, but you people really need to get your heads out of your asses and your neighbor's yard and move on with your lives. I have nothing and I mean literally nothing, but I have my family, my intelligence and my sense of fucking humor, which no matter what has been thrown at me or those I surround myself, never waivers. I have a handful of friends who I lean on when I need it and most of them are gone, swimming in a sea of self doubt and pity, never looking into the mirror and realizing everything is pretty fucking OK. I don't have the physical ability to relieve stress by sticking my leg behind my head, beating the fuck out of a heavy bag or doing burpees or whatever they are called. I can barely go for a mind clearing walk these days, so I find other ways. Then I go on Facebook and witness 600 people feeling sorry for themselves, their husbands, their grandmothers, their kids and then when something does go down, everyone passes it over as if it's nothing. Hell, if I see one more parent complain about their kid's homework, I'm calling the cops and having their kids removed. Just because you're too fucking stupid to help your grade school aged child with their homework, stop blaming common core. The core of the problem for all these people is very common and it's well known, it's called lack of intelligence. If your nine year old can struggle through it, you can grab their book, a glass of wine and learn it yourself, while they sleep. Need help, send them to me for a week and they'll be shooting numbers out faster than you could imagine. 

OK, I'm not even going to share this, because, oh fuck you, of course I'm going to share it. It's as childish as the stupid website. I posted about ten jokes today and one response, but Generic Facebook Fanny posts their feeling down and gets 23 likes and 79 comments, all from their Dr. Phil friends. It's 5am and I need a fucking Snickers or I need to come to my senses and limit my page to the 15-20 people I actually give a flying fuck about or if nothing else, make me smile and turn down all the requests for negativity. I laugh, because half these miserable fucks are the one's who are always telling everyone else about yoga, kale, crossfit and the wonders of sobriety or having a mental enema, which they call meditation. You can't meditate with your phone plugged in, sipping a Starbucks worried about your neighbor's addition or your kid's English teacher having a Spanish name. You also can't post 16 horseshit articles on Ebola or the child disease of the week. Some people are really suffering and those people have the fucking right. You don't. 

OK, so this is what I call therapy. You don't like it? You probably should have stopped after title. 


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