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Efficiency Crush

Every morning, I come downstairs, start my coffee, feed my cat, bring his food upstairs, bring my laptop downstairs, unload the dishwasher and/or start a load of laundry and by the time I'm done, my coffee has brewed. I like to think of myself as being thorough and efficient. I usually attempt to multitask while cooking also, but at times, I get impatient, which is why I don't bake. I like to check, stir, test, a little too much. That being said, if I have tasks that take a certain amount of time, I can usually find something to clean or straighten while that takes place. While I love lounging, there is a time and place. The workplace, I'm finding, is usually where most people find time to lounge, act inefficiently, and basically loaf about. They have the knowledge that myself and others will pick up the slack, not because we want to, but we have to. At home, well, that's a blog for another time. Let's just say, I'd never known anyone who felt "doing" laundry was an active participation chore until the last two years. Unless you grew up near a river bank with a washboard, it's not exactly rocket science and a full load, cleaned and folded takes about 4 minutes of active time. Not exactly a chore.

So let's get to the title of this blog, Efficiency Crush. Can it be that in my later years, I am becoming a little obsessive compulsive? It's possible, but I definitely have no issue with dirty clothes on the floor, just not scattered. At work, I am with kids, so their mess is something I deal with daily, and putting away their mess, isn't a high neatness priority for me. I also have realized that some people, who need neatness, arrange the items at the expense of their actual job. I am well aware where my eyes must be and a shelf is not it. At home, I have noticed people's placement of clutter is important to them, even claiming OCD, but the reality is, it is still just clutter. So where am I going with all this rambling? What happens when you're actually so impressed by someone, either at work, home, their work, or their home, that you actually develop an affection for them because of this? Add to that an obvious physical attraction and I can't think of any other word than a crush. What would someone call that? This isn't to say I envision romantic trists, but there's definitely a feeling of admiration, almost envy. There's something to being good looking and efficient that just does it for me. Funny thing is, I'm more jealous than enamored at times. I assume, no, I know, nobody sees me being efficient and thinks "Oh Baby, I need to get me one of those." Is this what getting old is? Admiring nubile women for how they clean dishes or organize shelves? Is multitasking an aphrodisiac or has my life become simple and orderly that someone who appears more so, is a turn-on? Realize, I mean this in the most complimentary way and should the people I',m speaking of ever read this (they won't), I'd hope they understand my affection comes from a place of the highest respect.

Gotta run, coffee is ready.


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