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Guns in our Community

With the latest horrific shooting out in Aurora, Colorado we are faced with the argument on gun control.  It's no secret that gunshots are the number one cause of homicides and suicides in our country.  Imagine how many people would be alive today if they weren't so readily available.  Proponents have convinced themselves that they are safer with guns in the house, but the reality is, even accidental deaths by gunshots are on the rise.  It's a scary thing.

Earlier today I got into arguments with obviously conservative yahoos who beat the patriotic drum on this issue and bring up the constitution.  They say it's in there so it's law.  Well laws were made to protect the people and the amendment, for those who don't know, was so we could defend our property from, quite simply, terrorists. Not the terrorist we know today, but those who might try and come back and defeat our land we fought so hard to secure.

When we look at who argues for guns and who argues against it's quite cut and dry.  The people who really never have a reason to have or use a gun seem to fight for it.  If guns were more difficult to obtain, 14 people would be alive today.  Trayvon Martin would be alive today.  Ronald Reagan wouldn't have been shot.  John Lennon would be with us.  How many little kids, hit by strays would be celebrating their next birthday.

People call me a die hard liberal and get angry and throw insults and cry about their rights.  I wonder some times, if they can go through this check list, check every line and still wave their flag, their NRA flag.  Have they ever:
Had a gun pointed at them
Had a friend who was shot in a theft
Had a friend forced up onto a rooftop and thrown off
Had a friend fishing with his father get shot in the eye by a ricocheted bullet
Had a brother almost get shot and have to wrestle the gun out of his hands
Had a cousin kill themselves with a gunshot wound, leaving a family behind

Not one of these things happened because the person with the gun needed a gun.  Not one of these happened while protecting themselves or their homes.  Not one of these things happened while serving one's country, state or city.  All unnecessary. All because it's just that easy to get a gun.


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