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A-Z Of What Is Pissing Me Off (2014 Edition)

I did this a few years ago and without looking back to see what I wrote then, I'm going to write a new one.  Interesting to see if the same things are on both lists or if I've evolved or devolved.  Here you go.

A- Ads. During the Olympics we hit a new low with 22 minutes of commercials for eight minutes of coverage.
B- Buses. I'm so sick of taking buses.  I used to love long drives.  Buses suck.
C- Climate deniers. Really? This shit seems normal?
D- Dumb people. They  truly are everywhere you look.
E- Envy. For the first time in my life, I've found myself envious of a few people.  It's an ugly feeling.
F- Facebook. It's become the whiniest, bitchiest, attention craving, miserable fucked, weather obsessed piece of shit website ever, but I stay for pics of my friends kids and stories of their accomplishments.
G- Guns. If you still think it's the people that are the problem, you're not educated in the crime rates in other countries.
H- Health obsessed lecturers. Not people who you go to see, but those who tell you that the meal you've waited all day to eat, isn't healthy.
I- Individuality.  Or should I say lack of it.  I used to know 200 people, now I know 40 versions of five.
J- Justice. The more I read about our justice system, the more I realize how flawed our society and it's rules are.
K- Knicks. I don't really hate them, because they're irrelevant, but needed a K.
L- Leaks. If you know the story about my apartment, you know the ordeal.
M- Money. The more I live, the more obsessed people are with it and lose touch with what is really important.  See Facebook for examples.
N- Nigger. Yes, I wrote nigger. I'm so sick of hearing the ignorant racist white people I live near use this word. If this is acceptable, step up and use it in front of a black person.  Yeah, I thought not.
O- Opportunities.  I grew up being spoon fed this false idea that this country was the land of it, but the reality is, it's limited to about 310 million of us.
P- Parents. Kids are growing up to be unintelligent assholes. Yes, even some of my friend's kids, yet everyone else is the problem, but they are the POTY. Makes me sad.
Q- Qualifications. Yes, this could be my fault, but one piece of paper makes so many more qualified than my 20+ years of experience in a field.
R- Republicans. Not them as individuals, but their political agenda to degrade women, keep immigrants and minorities down and let the rich keep getting rich, even if it never helps them at all.
S- Sleep. I don't hate it, but hate that I lack it so often.
T- Television. I can't say I hate it really, because other than sports, I don't watch it.  That being said, when I have the opportunity, I realize it's killing our society's soul.  Making us puppets to capitalism and making us more ignorant.
U- Unemployment. Despite what people may think, my part time job is not my life goal.  I just don't want to be miserable 40 hours a week. I achieve that spending hours listening to my friends talk about their lives.
V- Vehicles. There are just too many cars on the road. The traffic, the noise, the deaths.  It's terrible.
W- Walking. Not because I'm lazy, but nobody understands the pain I experience from simply walking to the bathroom. Pain sucks! Maybe should have been P.
X- Xenophobes. It's just a fancy word for racist, bigot, hater.
Y- YouTube. When did they add ads to every single video?
Z- Zeppole. I was getting desperate and I love zoos, but I hate zeppoles.


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