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Free Writing - Take 73

I'm in the need for coffee, so this will be short, maybe five minutes tops. I just wrote about Solaris and might tweak it a little before hitting send or share or however I post my much ignored movie rants. I'm just so tired of people with some college philosophy or psychology classes writing about movies and metaphorical symbols and lions and tigers and bears, oh my. I'm seriously tired of $3 words and empty thoughts. I don't care that you used Sanskrit to declare your love for a Russian space movie. It impresses nobody, but yourself and one or two of your hipster fuck friends. I really am tired of the week old jokes you all think are new. You regurgitate last years hilarity with a coffee shop twist and your carefully manicured messy "do" and trust me when I tell you, we're laughing at you, not with you. I'm so tired of reading shit writing (yes fuckers, my own included) and sappy poems about how much you wanna fuck your mother, but hiding it inside some riddle of some strangers bosom or thighs. I'm so fucking sad, I misspelled bosom and had to correct it. I swear, tonight on Facebook it was like a hipster suck-fest, with people bitching about how much they hated the dress fucking color debate and the two llamas (the greatest story ever told, haha), yet they couldn't stop posting about how they hated it. Here's a thought, you know what I hate. Hypocrisy. Stop doing what you hate and thinking you're being clever, you only-eating-gluten-free-pizza-because-it's-trendy motherfucker. I'm serious, as I get further away from those I knew, it's a minor miracle I didn't just haul off and bash some of these fake bastards in the jaw. OK, I guess this went over five minutes, but someone requested that I get more into my anger, because I've become a boring fucker. On a side note. I'm really tired of people who are awful fucking parents, parading that shit down the sidewalk, like it's some pride banner. Listen, outing your kids failures, sickness and fears isn't good parenting unless you're doing it out of pure love. Don't post something for likes using your family, you desperate for attention cunts! You know what happened today when my good parent friends had something happen to their child? They disappeared from Facebook. You know for how long? I don't know, they haven't returned yet. Lesson! Enough yelling and screaming. Spring is in the air. I know, because my hands aren't aching from the soon to be arthritic claws they will become from the hours of typing, pushing and clicking. I need a night of getting drunk with people who know how to laugh and don't point out the irony of how some fucker wrote about it in 1829 < random date with know symbolism, metaphor or meaning. Oh yeah and that biatch better be ready to drink all day and night and talk about books, movies and cronuts (which I've never had) over some pizza and sushi and maybe even a sushi pizza. She'll know when she reads it I don't mean bitch in that sense, so fuck you people who don't get it. I'm a feminist more than you are, because I'm not a douche about it, picking on the inclusion or exclusion of a certain type of female. I love them all and hate them all equally, so leave my girl Patricia Arquette alone. And fucking leave Kanye alone too, just because! and fuck Beck and his "I'm so different my flannel and knit cap hurts." I'm gonna start dressing like fucking Bach. That's right fucksticks, I'm bringing sexy Bach. Fuck You!


  1. Yes! He's back! Cracking up over here

  2. Yes, I caused a few seconds of amusement for myself ..hee *high fives myself*


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