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2017: The Year Facts Went To Die

Thanks to FOX News, we have the war on Christmas, White People, Christianity, Wealth, The Anthem, The Flag and everything else viewed as "American."

Not reported in response, is the War on Intelligence.

Thanks to social media, "Blah Blah Blah," "ZZZ" and "Whatever" have become legitimate responses to facts, research, history, science and the proper use of the English language (you know, the language those who despise intelligent thought want made official). In the not so distant past, a debate was ended when someone could give irrefutable evidence that the other party couldn't argue to the contrary. Now, simply being contrary is a debate tool.

It's 2017, we have more people believing the Earth is flat, than we did two hundred years ago and we have just as many who believe the Sun revolves around the Earth as we do who believe dead people and illegal immigrants are voting against their candidates. The problem with this new found belief system is, people have started to confuse facts with opinions. About two years ago, a "friend" argued with me and when I read the comments she posted after she blocked me, I found it comical, not that she refuted my fact with her opinions, but that she had more defenders than I could fathom. When asked, she said "I know my opinions and nobody will tell me they're wrong." Somehow, she managed to have upwards of thirty people turn on me, completely satisfied that facts could not prove her opinion wrong. The problem with this whole scenario was, she was factually wrong, so her opinion was based on the political equivalent of the Sun rotating around the Earth. Yes, you're entitled to free speech, free thought, freedom of religion and your opinions, but Free Facts are not a thing.

In a time when the term alternative facts is actually a valid excuse for being wrong, we're entering into a time where propaganda is the becoming the norm and the more we accept opinions as fact, the more divided we become. In my lifetime, I've seen the concept of being correct go from the simply fact vs fiction to fact vs fiction vs alternative facts vs reality facts vs tabloid fact vs Trumpism vs liberal bias vs science vs hoaxes vs history vs white history vs religious truth vs opinion.




  1. Not confused but "Yes" to this post!

  2. A recent FB post by Robert Reich below. It's not like we didn't know any of this, but when you hear it from an insider ... well it's just that much more horrific.

    "This morning I phoned my old friend, a Republican former member of Congress.
    Me: So what’s up? Is Corker alone, or are others also ready to call it quits with Trump?
    He: All I know is they’re simmering over there.
    Me: Flake and McCain have come pretty close.
    He: Yeah. Others are thinking about doing what Bob did. Sounding the alarm. They think Trump’s nuts. Unfit. Dangerous.
    Me: Well, they already knew that, didn’t they?
    He: But now it’s personal. It started with the Sessions stuff. Jeff was as loyal as they come. Trump’s crapping on him was like kicking your puppy. And then, you know, him beating up on Mitch for the Obamacare fiasco. And going after Flake and the others.
    Me: So they're pissed off?
    He: Not just that. I mean, they have thick hides. The personal stuff got them to notice all the other things. The wild stuff, like those threats to North Korea. Tillerson would leave tomorrow if he wasn’t so worried Trump would go nuclear, literally.
    Me: You think Trump is really thinking nuclear war?
    He: Who knows what’s in his head? But I can tell you this. He’s not listening to anyone. Not a soul. He’s got the nuclear codes and, well, it scares the hell out of me. It’s starting to scare all of them. That’s really why Bob spoke up.
    Me: So what could they do? I mean, even if the whole Republican leadership was willing to say publicly he’s unfit to serve, what then?
    He: Bingo! The emperor has no clothes. It’s a signal to everyone they can bail. Have to bail to save their skins. I mean, Trump could be the end of the whole goddam Republican party.
    Me: If he starts a nuclear war, that could be the end of everything.
    He: Yeah, right. So when they start bailing on him, the stage is set.
    Me: For what?
    He: Impeachment. 25th amendment.
    Me: You think Republicans would go that far?
    He: Not yet. Here’s the thing. They really want to get this tax bill through. That’s all they have going for them. They don’t want to face voters in ’18 or ’20 without something to show for it. They’re just praying Trump doesn’t do something really, really stupid before the tax bill.
    Me: Like a nuclear war?
    He: Look, all I can tell you is many of the people I talk with are getting freaked out. It’s not as if there’s any careful strategizing going on. Not like, well, do we balance the tax bill against nuclear war? No, no. They’re worried as hell. They’re also worried about Trump crazies, all the ignoramuses he’s stirred up. I mean, Roy Moore? How many more of them do you need to destroy the party?
    Me: So what’s gonna happen?
    He: You got me. I’m just glad I’m not there anymore. Trump’s not just a moron. He’s a despicable human being. And he’s getting crazier. Paranoid. Unhinged. Everyone knows it. I mean, we’re in shit up to our eyeballs with this guy."

    1. I don't like Reich, because he tried to hurt Clinton and it was 100% revenge, but he's been faithful to his disdain of Trump. This doesn't surprise me, but the key point of this is "tax reform." Republicans won't throw Trump under the bus until they can make some money off of this. Sadly, that may take a while.


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