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A Week of Self-Reflection

As the week started, I was babysitting. As jobs began to become limited, then halted, my gig was up and I too was welcomed to the world of social distancing. With the exception of a roommate, a neighbor, and a chance brief meeting with two acquaintances, while on a walk, I've basically stayed isolated, sans one shopping trip for food and one for liquor. I have gone for a ride through the hills, taken my neighbor's dog for two walks, and spent time outside with Swag and my roommate's dog, Whooza. I've been content when I'm alone. All alone.

I have learned that I truly value solitude as much as I believed I did.
I have changed my views on people having true negative energy.
I know with certainty that another's anxiety is not only contagious, but debilitating
I realize just how financially unstable I am and how lucky I am, for at least a month.
Deep thinking or meditation should be done outdoors whenever possible.
I have cemented my perception of who I am and my judgment of many I know.
I have great trust in those who I view as more knowledgable who don't project that sense.
I realize, that great stress can be a catalyst for so many positives, but rarely is.
I value the physiological effects of a deep breath on a sunny, but cold day.
I need to learn to shut back off when I awaken during the night.
Rosacea is a great reminder your body is under slight duress.
My procrastination ends when I am needed by another.
Ignorance makes me angry, but motivates me to learn.
My bragging about my perception and observational skills has its merits.
I have spent an incredible amount of time worrying about "my" kids.
An odd side effect of financial hardship is not always being able to voice one's opinion.
We, as a society, are spoiled rotten. As a beneficiary of this privilege, I feel shame.
The absence of physical contact, and the effects on one's mental state, moves faster than any virus or disease the world has ever known

Finally, and while I can't speak for everyone, I know this to be undeniably true for myself, I feel as if when given too much time to achieve, even the smallest tasks, we fail. The simple act of choosing a movie or book, which household chore to tackle, or homework assignment to start or finish, all the way down to choosing which articles of clothing to wear, while sitting at home doing nothing, takes up more time than any act we could easily choose to do and do it.

We are not bored, we are lazy. We have all this time to achieve anything and everything whether it be physically or emotionally, but we put it off to see what everyone else is doing, to catch up on some desired sleep we probably get too much of anyway, or we sit doing what controls us while wishing it didn't. I am guilty of all of it, so there is no judgment.

Let's embrace our time, because that is what it is. The life we have, whether chosen or not, has slowed down enough for us to embrace it, to exist the best we can it, or to change it. It is every day of our lives, just a little slower. Slow enough to study it, know it, and edit it to our pleasing.

Just stay safe, because, as Maslow taught us, without that, the foundation which leads to self-efficacy is absent.


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