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Spirituality During Coronavirus Isolation

Spirituality has many definitions and is viewed very differently by those of deep faith, weekend worshippers, lax believers, and those who find their higher power in something as simple as mountain or a sunset. I do not pretend to know what is true spirituality and I definitely do not view myself as a spiritual being. I do however view myself as a keen observer of a lot and am comfortable enough with myself to know when behaviors in others simply don't match what they think they are projecting.

During this brief time of isolation, self-quarantine, and social distancing, I've noticed a very pattern among those I know. Those who view themselves as spiritual are having a very hard time, ironically, being alone in this world. They have not embraced solitude, peacefulness, quiet contemplation, or simply the time to appreciate nature, even in something as simple as sound. They do not appreciate the lull in the noise and congestion of industry, as nature seems to be both literally and metaphorically blossoming. They feel caged and helpless and with every complaint, we see through them. There are others, simply reminding us of what we can and not control, unaware this too is their silent cry for help; During this Lenten time, the irony of those who abstain to recognize Jesus' sacrifice, not being able to handle a few days without their normal routine, seems lost on every single one of them. This, if anything, should bring them closer to understanding their own religion and the very crux of its meaning.

I find it odd, even concerning, that so many adults find irritation being locked away with someone they don't really know or feel comfortable being alone with; themselves. I wonder if they've considered viewing this as a personal, dare I say, spiritual journey. A journey they may take in the comfort and safety of their own home. Look out a window or take a ride, a walk, a drive. See the world in its more natural state. A little less crazy, a little less populated. Look at how, in only a handful of days, more animals have come out. The birds chirp a little louder or so it seems. The rabbits seem more plentiful and the deer bolder. I am sure in other areas, where traffic has halted, there are rarer sights and sounds. Yesterday, in the chilled air, I walked and could hear the crunch of even soft ground. The unison between my steps and my four-legged company made me feel almost beast-like. As if we were out on a hunt, but not to kill, just to see what neither of us had seen before. He explored more with his nose, while I with my eyes.

This is a strange time, but we will get through it. It should bring us closer to realize we're all the same. It won't, but it should. The reason it won't is actually quite simple. It's been a week, and while we criticize others, explain to our friends what they need to do, and throw random thoughts of what we deem help for strangers, we're ignoring the one person who we can force, coerce, or nudge to be a better person/ One who is kinder, more compassionate, caring, and useful in bringing those things to helping others. We are ignoring getting to know that stranger who is not down the block or the hall, or even in the other room, it's that person who is within us. The real us. The one we keep hidden from the world so often, most of us have forgotten who it is. If solitude and isolation make you feel alone, you're neither spiritual, religious, nor do you hold the ability for self-efficacy. Your independence comes from others, which in itself is a contradiction. Take this time to find the true you, before telling others what they can and cannot control.


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