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Is anyone listening?

I wrote this as a Facebook post, so between that and this site, possibly 9 people may read it. Most will disagree. They usually do. 

I often wonder how many people are using this time to improve our future. I don't mean the sheep on Facebook who post the same things everyone else posts, I mean leaders of industry and our country. If these past four weeks have taught us anything, it's that most of us are incapable of change and guilty of willful ignorance. The strangest, and possibly saddest truth from four weeks of change, is that we appreciate what we don't have more than what we do. All that being said, it has taught us some valuable lessons. Many people have become handy, making masks, sanitizers, and other cleaning products with household items. Some have invented new ways to teach. We have a ways to go through this, but I also hope that some of those who make decisions for the rest of us are watching and listening. It is abundantly clear that a four-day workweek with everyone making a living wage is needed. This is not to say businesses need to be open less, but the burden should be on the employer to staff, not on the employee. We need more childcare at an affordable rate. We need more nurses and doctors and fewer insurance companies and agents. We need fewer billionaires and more people above the poverty line. We need food insecurity and homelessness to vanish and our overall health as a country to improve (they are connected). We need to value our planet and admit if four weeks can prove climate change can be for the better, we don't need elected officials telling us it doesn't. We need people to care as much about their neighbors in reality as they do on social media. We need more joy in our lives. If the past four weeks have taught us anything, it's that what we work and strive for normally, has been given to us, and it's viewed as a burden. We need to ask ourselves, Why?


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