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Selfish: More or Less

I don't really know if this is more of an opinion or a question, because my entire field of study has been two people I've seen in person and what I can surmise from people's posts on Facebook. My inclination is to say that people have become more selfish based on what I've viewed, but common sense says the very fact people are staying inside with the exception of going out for essential life needs tells me most have shown a major level of selflessness. Is it possible though that we've become less selfish only because it is demanded of us? Is it possible we've become less selfish to strangers but more so to those we see every day? I do not truly know the answer. I've not been affected in any way other than the increased amount of time I have to consider these types of questions. I have seen a neighbor use his time to be with his family, but I do not know what the quality of that time is. I've watched a roommate become more consumed with her already self-indulgent personality, actually somehow convincing herself that this extra time has made her busier. I will admit she's worked more at her job than ever before, but her inefficient use of time and movement is something that is glaring. I myself have found a calm. I've slowed down certain aspects of my life. Taking walks without looking at the clock or being concerned with distance. In this sense, my lost sense of time has changed my personal schedule to the extent I find myself not doing the things I normally do at their normal times.

I guess, for now, this is the new normal. Will we quickly revert to our old ways, routines, and schedules or will there be an adjustment period? I cannot imagine the changes a parent will feel. The freedom of not having to entertain will be the immediate benefit, but the cherished time they've had will end. I think one of the things I've taken from this, based on conversations and observations is those traditional roles, and I'd like to stress how archaic this phrase is, have seemed to have returned. A cross-section of this country views this as America's greatness. A time when women, in general, would not even have noticed the difference in quarantine, other than their mopey husbands being home. I myself cannot imagine any modern-day woman reverting to the roles of their grandmothers, fully knowing they'll be back in the workplace, working harder, for less money and appreciation. I also can't imagine any loving husband allowing their wives to shoulder the burden of adjusting for everyone else so that they can remain in a state of normalcy. Like I said, these are merely a small sample size of what I've seen and maybe my preconceived notions, based on something as silly as a Facebook post, is where this is coming from.

 I do think single people, who live alone, in general, have become more selfish. They seem to be the ones most cut off. This makes sense in the sense that nearly all of their social contact has been taken away and for many younger ones I know, their means to pay for their independence has been infringed upon. Fear brings our many emotions and magnifies our personalities. I believe fear does make many selfish, many times due to the fact that it forces us to choose between our own best interests and those of others. This entire situation has been about that and while some people may complain, they very well may be complaining because of their adherence to the greater goof. Others are silent, feeling they are the beneficiaries of those around them, frustrated this is not universal.

This is a confusing time and most questions will not be answered for a very long time. I, for one, am fascinated by the psychology of this entire time. I just hope my own wits are still present to enjoy much smarter people's examination into this global pandemic created phenomenon.


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