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Let Me Clear A Few Things Up About Me

Today, during one of my usual political battles, I was accused of using numerous gay and racial slurs before my "born again" revival.  I was also accused of skirting an issue and dancing around a subject that I clearly answered, pointing out the accusers bigotry in the process.  So ignore this if you want as some sort of self promotional propaganda or read this and learn a little about me.

I grew up in a home where if I was to use a racial slur, I'd have probably been beaten to death.  If I used a gay slur, the same would happen.  If I degraded someones religion in front of them, death might have occurred or my parents would have just beaten me severely.  I once made an innocent comment about Jews to my Jewish mother and was asked to leave the dinner table and not return.  That was the last one I made about any religion.  My growing up consisted of my parents constantly having people over and attending parties.  Two of my parents best friends and my two "uncles" growing up were a gay couple. About half of my neighbors were minorities and almost all my best friends from 13-15 were black. Here's the best part.  They would call me "their N*****."  Then would quickly remind me I was not allowed to say it back.  I never would.  In my entire life, even when repeating someone elses stories, I have always said the "N-word" in it's place.  Anyone who knows me well, knows that that word bothers me more than anything in the world, even when said by black friends. Ass for any other racial epitaphs, it's just not in my nature.  I wasn't brought up that way and I happen to know from dining room chats with the accusers family, this was normal conversation and a regularly used word in describing blacks and all the other usual suspects for other races and colors.

As for the gay slurs, I must admit, I was, like many kids one to use the words faggot or gay as a derogatory comment.  Usually though this was not while calling someone out in a fight, trying to entice or intimidate them.  This behavior embarrassed me when I started having more and more gay friends and I realize how much the word offended them.  Ask anybody I know who is gay, I have defended them to no end against those kinds of taunts and just the language in general.

Religion is a touchy subject, because I don't believe in it and I believe it's basis is to divide and separate us all through hating those who are not like us. The problem with religion is that it knows no race, creed, color or ethnicity and many times is assumed.  I respect everyones beliefs, but they must in return respect my disbelief.  To tell me I'm going to burn in hell is to assume I'm worse than them for standing up for my own personal morals.  These people must all realize, their religious morals were taught to them, mine have evolved through nature, nurture and education.

I will say this. I believe most people are selfish, greedy and have no moral compass.  Much of this stems from upbringing, some from religious misconception. I believe the self centered-ness of our universe as reached levels we've never known.  The Bible and Quran speak of brothers and neighbors, but nobody feels that way in reality.  They say one thing to many, but say their true feelings to individuals.  In the past year, I've been called names by multiples friends.  Some to me on social media, some privately and about two have had the courage to actually get into a discussion of morals with me in person.  I love to listen to other viewpoints, but hate when they won't give me that same respect.

I don't believe people can truly change their ways.  I think if racism is ingrained in you during childhood, it will always be there.  I believe if you're taught to look out for yourself and nobody else, you will carry that with you always.  I believe if you are susceptible to indoctrination as a child, it will stay with you forever.  Then there is the one thing I can pull out of my hat at any time during most arguments.  If you weren't intelligent in grammar school, high school or college, what makes you think you are intelligent now?  Most of the people who yell and call me names are not people any one of our mutual friends would call intelligent.  Maybe book smart on occasion, but rarely those people who can decipher information and formulate ideas without assistance from an authority.  Why, you say?  Because they couldn't and weren't made to do it as a child.  Why do people think I get so angry and tell stories about poor parenting?  It's not for my own sake, but maybe one person will read something, see the comments about how horrible and say to themselves "Damn, I do that."

Please understand one thing about me.  If you are any creed or color of the rainbow, any ethnicity in the entire world or any religion or non-religion.  If you are purple, from Mars and believe goats created the Universe, I will like you if you can display one thing. A selfless heart and a desire to see those around you have it better than they have now.  I don't have the luxury of confessing my sins and gaining absolutely, so I just try to be a little better each day and make someone elses life a little brighter.  Sometimes that is through laughter, sometime through compassion and sometimes it is by infusing a little knowledge they didn't have yesterday.  People tease me for my incessant posts, but they'd be shocked to see what I'm doing on other sites and what I'm trying to do for myself, because it's all good and for everyone, not just myself.

Sorry for anyone who is used to getting a rise our of my posts or a laugh.  Sorry if you actually care about my views on movies or current affairs.  Sorry if you like my free writing babble.  I just felt it necessary to clear some things up about myself and to defend myself without insults and lies.


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