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Accepting Change: Part 2

I started thinking about all those minor changes and it dawned on me that even some phrases or words have taken on new meanings for me. I don't mean the definitions have changed, just well, which definition is being used. I'm not even forty and things have changed so much lately. I guess since we're always evolving, or devolving, depending on how you look at it, things will keep changing. Here are a few of the things that have changed, at least for me.

Dunking - When I was younger, we'd rent a gym where we could adjust the basketball hoops to a certain height, so that all of us could dunk like the pros. It probably has quite a bit to do with my current knee problems. These days the tasks consists of some kind of dough being dipped into something with a more liquid consistency. I used to have a decent vertical, now I'm more concerned with my horizontal.

Crashing - this used to be what we did when we knew there was a good party going on, but we weren't invited. This would inevitably involve some sort of fisticuffs somewhere during the evening, but usually provided us with a good night. Now it's the act of coming home, closing the door and being asleep within minutes, usually the result of something far less stimulating than it's predecessor.

All-in - this used to be what our gang did by the pool when we snuck into Lake Isle. Now it's a card game term which usually results in your chips being taken and you slumped over, not quite believing that someone called with A-4 and beat your kings.

Quickie - this used to be a nice little 15-20 minute sexual romp usually before going out or maybe even while out. Sometimes it even took place in the middle of the day. Nowadays, it has taken on a more literal definition and is the reason why guys my age take Viagra.

Fresh - was the hip-hop slang term for something that was pretty cool or some brand new clothes. Now it's what we hope to get while lumbering around the produce section of the supermarket.

Hot - what we would call a girl we thought was pretty or had a nice body. Now it's how I feel whenever the temperature rises above 65 degrees.

Weed - now while this doesn't really apply to me, I'm sure many of my friends feel that this used to be something they smoked on the weekends to make themselves feel better. Now it's something they pull out of the ground to make their house look better.

Make-up - what girls would put on back in the day to make themselves look sexier. Now it's what we do so we don't have to hear the nagging.

Spare tire - this used to be the thing you wish you had in your car when you hit the curb in a drunken stupor. Now it's something you wish you could get rid of.

CD - the little metal disc you listen to music off of. Now it's a certificate of deposit.

Happy Hour - this used to be 6am. Now it's 6pm.

And Finally

Forty - the number of ounces in the bottle you were drinking. Now it's my next birthday!

See, the more things change. The more they suck.


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