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Annoyed Beyond Belief: A Plethora Of Reasons

All day today, I've been trying to sign onto my blog.  I had wanted to vent all day long.  Instead, I spent a great amount of time, deleting and reinstalling programs onto my computer.  This always drives me crazy. I finally signed on, but I still don't have access to everything and I'm not even sure this will work.

That's not the only thing that bothers me right now.  Around 12:40, I received a letter saying I had to be at a mandatory meeting at 1pm today.  A letter, not an e-mail.  It was dated January 26th.  Amazing, just how efficient our government is.

I'm annoyed, because more bad things are happening to more good people that I know.  It's becoming a little crazy.  I never wish harm on people....well not usually, but this is unfair.  Too many good people are suffering.  I don't mean because they don't have materialistic things, but things that matter.  I want my friends and family to be well.  That is all.

I decided to stay in and have a quiet night. I walked up to the supermarket and decided tonight was a perfect night for a nice loaf of Italian bread, some tomato, avocado and red onion with a little mayo and mustard on one section.  I bought some hummus and Boursin too.  I get home and realized I bought all the innards of my sandwich, but forgot the actual bread, so I had to settle for an English muffin with the veggies and some cheese, hummus and crackers for dessert.

Frustration has set in because I had mapped out an entire diet that was to start this week.  Then I gorged myself the day of the Super Bowl and then didn't eat until Tuesday night.  I had Chinese food, which also fed me the following morning and afternoon.  In the evening I chose to go out and had a burger and potato salad, but with some beers.  I ended up getting a late night/early morning snack and then ate crap for breakfast.  Today I ate four meals.  Have to get back to the diet I had planned.  A true calorie counter, with the goal to be roughly an evenly dispersed 12,000 calorie a week diet.  I had meals mapped out, my cheat meals already in tow and a website to track everything.  Then the wheels fell off.  Maybe next Monday.  I'd like to lost 15 lbs before March Madness starts.

I'm also frustrated, because this session of my after school program has me going there five days instead of four and making $100 less than before.    Not only is it an extra day, but it's 20 minutes more work a week.  Not a big deal, but I was hoping for better.

I'm annoyed my printer doesn't have ink and paper.  I had wanted to print something out, but I really don't want to buy the ink, just for this. I will, but still.  I also sent out a bunch of checks last night, so I'm watching the bank account.  Hoping for a break.  I don't play Lotto, but maybe tomorrow I will.  Who knows, maybe the answer to all my dreams is in a few numbers.

I had such ideas earlier.  A long debate over politics, religion and other dicey topics had my juices flowing, but I hadn't the canvas to display my thoughts in a succinct manner.  I was going to write an entire blog about the hypocrisy of wearing a cross (which is frowned upon in the bible).  I was going to rant, explaining how dated the Constitution has become.  I was going to write about the similarities, differences and ironic contradictions within all the major religions.  I was going to write about all the things spinning through my head. 

I don't know if I'll be able to get back onto this site. I'll try. I promise if nothing else, the next blog will be a good one.  At least I'll try.


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