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Things I'm Thinking At 6:57am

I recently devised a system for rating players, but I don't know what the validity is for using it to rate careers, because it doesn't take into account, the era, comparison to the average player, etc.  That being said. Johnny Bench who is the benchmark (no pun intended) had an average around .770.  Berra was around .790.  Recently deceased Gary Carter was barely over .700.  But here's two scary stats.  Posada is between Bench and Berra, while Piazza is 50 pts above Berra.  Starting to rethink my stance on Posada and the hall. More research needs to be done.

On Sunday, Adele won a slew of Grammy's including Best album.  It's fresh, so maybe I'm jumping the gun, but I'm gonna say it right now.  It's the best complete album to even be nominated since Fallen by Evanescence in 2004 (which lost to another great album SpeakerBoxx/The Love Below by Outkast).  Similarly to Evanescence was special, because nothing like it before ever sounded like it.  I think 20 years from now, Adele will be talked about with the best singers ever.

I love following and watching all sports, but I am definitely getting the bug.  It's almost my single favorite time of year.  March Madness.  No other sporting event is more exciting and none comes close to delivering more often.  I am getting antsy.  February is officially the purgatory for a sports fan.

I'm tired of hearing about the tragedy of Whitney Houston's death.  She was a good singer, but she didn't write songs.  She hasn't been relevant in over ten years and she squandered over $100 million dollars.  I just paid my cell phone bill a day late and the $5 surcharge is pissing me off.  I pay $108 a month to have my phone and it kills me to pay it.  Let's put this in perspective.  Let's say I had $50,000 in the bank and paid that bill.  It's the equivalent of Whitney blowing $260,000....on crack.

When I start a diet, people get confused.  I'm not changing what I eat, but how much I eat.  Sure I have to stay away from an Eastchester Burger ever other day or the lovely chorizo burrito I had this evening.  I have to give up my weekly Chinese splurge and my loaf of bread with veggies combo.  I have to give up quantity, not quality.  So don't misunderstand me.  I'm not dieting...I'm lessening.

My three favorite foods right now, which I didn't even really like ten years ago are short ribs, avocado and mushrooms.  Someone make me something with all three and I'll love you forever.

Politics bothers me a lot right now, but nothing got me more than that panel on birth control that didn't have one female voice on it, but had five men of the cloth.  We're going to hell in a hand basket and religion and politics are the reason why.  Politicians need to leave religion out of their views and religion needs to keep opinions to themselves.  You base your life on a book.  Most of us, base our lives on experience.  What was good for people in the desert 3000 years ago, doesn't apply now.  Why is it every aspect of our lives, we are told to adapt, but religions we stay exactly the same?  If it was so prevalent of God to say hello back in the day, where's he been lately?  If you say "this is when he's carrying us,"  I'll kick you in the throat. 

Just read that in 1971, the highest paid baseball player signed for $500,000 a year for three years.  Albert Pujols, Prince Fielder, and A-Rod will make that in about ten games this year. 

The number of people that read my blog is in direct correlation to the content. If I write about sports, nobody reads.  If I write about something that makes me happy, about 30 people read.  If I bitch and moan about something or tell about my life's woes...about 50-60 people read.  I'm not judging, but we all take such great pride in others woes and rarely care about their happiness.  Odd, isn't it?

The last two weeks, I have spent about two hours almost every week day with someone I used to be infatuated with 25 years ago.  I can talk to her about anything and we laugh all the time.  I can't speak for five minutes without fighting with someone I was infatuated with five months ago.  Ironically we can talk about anything and laugh all the time too.  Other than one person, the people whose company I enjoy the most these days, I see the least.  Seems like that is always the case.

I wrote a blog about it the other day, but the pain in my hip is getting really bad.  I don't know if it's bursitis, a pinched nerve or the beginning of arthritis, but it sucks.  Today I was rushing to do something and the pain was so bad, I almost blacked out in front of a tennis class.  Laughing now at how I would have explained it.

I've been doing like three different things while writing this and just realized it has been about forty five minutes since I started it and it's running quickly out of steam.  So here are my goals for the weekend.  Sleep!


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