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One of the Strangest Days of Social Media

Absolutely nothing of importance happened on November 28, 2012.  If one needs proof, they just need to take a gander at social media.  Facebook and Twitter were abuzz with absolutely nothing of interest.  Try as I might, I couldn't even spark any interest in anything.  I wrote a blog, hoping to spark a movie debate and got one response.  I posted something which somewhat questioned the existence of god and our existence in general; no takers.  The closest I came to a debate or conversation of interest was when I made irreverent comments about people's posting pictures or stories about their pets or babies for the 200th time this week.

So what is happening to everyone?  The reality is nothing has changed.  The election result hasn't stirred up much, because our deadbeat congress is still playing games.  The weather continues to be odd throughout the world, but half of us refuse to admit that climate change will in the end be out downfall. So what has taken us over, both physically and mentally?  Is it that Powerball jackpot?  No.  Is it the frigid winter air?  No.  Is it the finale of Dancing with the (b-list) Stars?  I sure hope not.  It's fucking Christmas and the holiday malaise.  I'm not much of a gambler, but of my 569 Facebook friends, I predicted two of the first three people to post a meme asking us all to keep "Christ in Christmas."  I rolled my eyes, swallowed my coffee and said a fake prayer for their soon-to-be, ever engulfed in flames, souls.  I'm joking of course, they are good people in general.  By in general, I mean they do not recognize the pandering they do for their given religions and the point they are missing about their own beliefs.  That's not the point of this blog though...I'm saving that for closer to the big Birthday Celebration when Christ turns...33 again.

This time of year always makes me ill.  Traffic, edginess and basic lack of public decency is rampant.  This is entirely ironic, being that it directly follows the fake thankfulness that everyone was posting about just last week. I'm not saying people aren't thankful to have their friends and family with them, while stuffing their fat faces, but the who idea that we celebrate our countries commitment to genocide, is rather petty.  We have a lot of holidays in this country, where we eat and drink and march in parades, all in the name of killing. Memorial Day, Veteran's Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving, even Easter, Passover, Christmas are all in honor of a murder.  Say what you will and twist it in any shape you desire, this is a fact.  So how do we honor these deaths?  We celebrate.  We gorge out gullets and we empty our wallets on materialistic things.  We babble incoherently about things that have nothing to do with what this time of year is about.  And we brag and boast about doing it better and having more than our neighbors.

Now I don't want to get into an argument about socialism vs capitalism or religion vs atheism, but the reality is, we've all lost track of what is important.  A billboard telling me Jesus Loves Me is wonderful, but I didn't need the billboard.  If Jesus, is in fact the son of God and the almighty and the Bible is his word, he hates me.  If he's all those things and the Bible is, as I know it is, man made, he loves me.  If he doesn't exist, there is a whole lot of money wasted on a billboard.  But kudos for stimulating the bob market.

Black Friday is an atrocity of epic proportion.  A day so disgusting in it's nature that it truly pains me to admit I share genes with other humans.  This, coupled by the other nicknamed dates are everything that is wrong with this country and our society in general.  What was spent? A billion dollars on Call of Duty and iPhones? This is what the time of giving has become?  I remember as a child seeing that $5 obviously wrapped Nerf football and being thrilled, but now kids cry if they don't get a new cell phone at age eight.  I remember when diamonds signified a commitment to marriage, but now they are the go-to gift to make amends for farting under the covers and occasionally being a man.  Ladies, you have changed and you've changed us and neither is for the better.

So let's get back to today.  I feel that the hangover left by Thanksgiving, a weekend actually having to be with family, the shopping and the overall tryptophan malaise has hit us full force.  Today was the day of rest.  The day where we roll over, look at Thanskgiving in the rear view mirror and head straight into Christmas.  We decorate our tree, our house, or pets, our children and sometimes even ourselves.  We carefully cover our contempt for others with foundation and delicately stencil a fake smile that will last us through New Years.  I for one will be happy.  I love the cool weather.  I love Thanksgiving and I genuinely love being with my immediate family.  I have a week off next week with nothing to do. Followed by about seven days of work in the next two weeks and then head up to my fathers to sit by the fire with he and my grandmother. We'll then be joined by my brother and his wife, hopefully some friends of my dad's and I'll sit back and relax until after New Years. I won't stress about Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanza or any other pagan holiday. As I've aged, my family has turned Christmas into something different.  It's become about time together, not what we can give each other.  I look forward to that.

I'm not going to change who I am for others.  I don't expect them to do so for me.  What I will ask, to whomever reads this is to ponder the shoe being on the other foot.  To awake to check and see how your friends and to read the nasty messages criticizing those of us who might say Happy Holidays to encompass all of humanity, not just those who look and pray like us.  To leave the religion at the door, until your given days are upon us and then celebrate the shit out of your eight day of oil and your lord and saviors B'day. To acknowledge my happy holidays and know that while I don't believe in your false idols, I do believe in family, health and prosperity.  I do wish you well and hope your family stays safe.  If you feel the need to bless me or pray for me, that is fine, but I don't need to know about it.  That's between you and yours.  I'll think about you and yours in my own way. Know that the reality is it's the same.  You just believe someone else controls our fate and I leave it up to science, nature and chance.

I'll end with this note, in an attempt to get back to what this was really about.  As someone who has struggled as of late, both financially, physically and emotionally, I recognize one thing. I have all the basic needs and I have the love of family.  I am not in any danger that I know of and that eases my soul.  You may not like to think about these things, but in this gluttonous time, this time for warmth and love, remember that not all of us have that.  I have friends who have donated time, valuable time to helping those affected by the flooding, the winds and the fire.  I commend them with every ounce of my being.  My question for everyone (definitely not them) is why did it take this catastrophe for people to care.  Those without homes have always been there.  Those without warm clothes are ever present on our city streets daily.  Those without food is a number that is growing at staggering rates.  This is called the giving season and I know a lot of you have more than I.  I wish I lived in a world where everyone had enough.  Not everyone feels that way, but I do.   I'm wishing everyone the best of times this coming month and beyond.  Those I know and those I don't, those who have and those who have suffered.  I'm sure tomorrow will be filled with cats, kids and keep Christ in Christmas and I'll smirk and roll my eyes.  I can't change anything but myself.  I'm trying to be better and to me, that's by helping someone else.  Even if it's just one.  Ignore my rants if you wish, but if you took the time to get to this point I hope you decide to reevaluate what this all means and what really is important.  In the end, it's not an instagram of what makes you or I happy, but how we affect others.  And no comment on a picture really makes anyone happy, but ourselves, which is what seems to be all we as a society care about.


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