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Random Thoughts About The Past 10 Days

The election is now 10 days passed and this week has seen turbulence and unrest on social media and in the news.  There have also been the repercussion from Hurricane Sandy to deal with as well.  In all this mess, most of us have still found time to live our lives without too much added stress and anxiety.  Below will be some statements, some opinions and some humorous observation for a ten day period that has seen some amazing stuff happen and some pretty ordinary stuff take place.  Some things might be about certain people, but don't take offense.  Your identity will remain anonymous and please remember,  you said some of these things in public.

Do republicans understand how angry democrats were when Reagan tripled the deficit and Bush doubled it? Yet, we didn't show any of the animosity I'm seeing since last Tuesday.

Why did it take a sex scandal involving a general for us to recognize the war that's been going on for over a decade?

I think the thing that has bothered me more than the arguments are the people who say "I don't know about that stuff," then go out and vote.

I'm absolutely amazed at how many people who have businesses don't understand how Obamacare will or won't affect them.  How is it even remotely possible that people voted because of this issue without knowing how it works?

In the last three months I have served double duty.  While openly fighting with people about the merits of the candidates, I've privately had to defend those people from  my and sometimes mutual friends.  I had three mutual friends of one person ask me if they were "a little slow."  I had two people I've never met call an other friend a conceited daddy's boy whose been handed everything he has.  I've had two friends who work off the books unfriend me for calling them out after they lied and said I wasn't working at all and collecting unemployment and that I've turned down jobs.  I have been working P/T, I've collected less than I should have from unemployment and I've not been offered any jobs.

I've had more republicans tell me they have been bucking the system than democrats in the last three months by about a 5-1 margin.  What's that say about what they really want?

Just one second, before I switch gears.  Romney didn't win.  Didn't come close in reality.  This was over for months.  Something I've been saying...since the 47% comment.  Which by the way, he's defending again.

Gears Switching

Can parents please stop making their kids feel like nothing they do is wrong?  Love and support is fine, but when they grow up and go shoot up their school because they got a B+ instead of an A, it will be on you.

Can parents stop handing their kids iPads and sweets when they pick them up.  Spend that time talking to them about their day.

If your kid is in an after school program, please realize that the instructor might have a class after or want to leave.  You can have your conversation about Desperate Housewives out in the hall.

I had a kid tell me he only has play dates with one of the other kids, because his mom wanted to carpool.  He said this in front of the other kid.  What you say in front of your kids has an incredible impact on them and they repeat what they hear.

If you pay for your kid's cell phone and you let them drive.  Do me a favor.  Pick up their phone one day and check how many calls or texts they made while driving around?  Then take either the car or the phone away, because if I almost get hit one more time by a 17 year old on a cell while driving, I'm pulling them from the car, taking their phone and dropping it into the sewer.  They can explain to the cops why.  Say I'm a jerk, but I may be saving your dope of a kid's life.

If your child trains their brain with intellect, they will become smarter.  The brain is a muscle and the more it's used, the bigger it gets.  So if your youngster is glued to the TV, know the consequences.  If you hear your child mimicking gangster rappers and The Situation, maybe you should be worried, because it's getting atrophied, not stronger.  This doesn't only go for youngsters, but kids who might be college age or as old as mid 20's.  Don't think I'm being disrespectful, because I tell people all the time to stop acting stupid, who I know are smart.  I'll also admit, that the person I enjoy speaking to the most these days, is in this age range, so don't think this is my war on youth.

We recently experienced a hurricane and I'm amazed at how some of my more able bodied friends really stepped up and did incredible things.  I did what I could, but I feel that I couldn't have contributed the way they did.  Those people make me proud to know them. Truly.

I'll end with this. What makes us different, is what differentiates from every other species.  It's what makes us wonderful. These differences are magical. They allow us to come together, through differences of opinion, to one common decision.  They allow us to learn from each other. I have learned more in the past few months than i have in many years.  It's people's difference of opinions that have made me strive to become more intelligent. It's also people's similarities that have led me to new discoveries. I've learned from people older than me and from those younger than me.  I've learned from people who are smarter than me and from those who aren't.  I've learned from richer and poorer, religious and non-religious and from people who are all races, creeds and colors.  I wouldn't change this for the world.  It has been tiring.  Some people are so set in their ways, they refuse to open their minds to knowledge.  I'm stubborn, but I'll fill you in on a little secret.  Whenever I argue with someone out and they are dead set in their convictions, I go home and check.  A few times I've had to apologize, because I was wrong.  The difference is.....I did.


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