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The Best Untrue Things I've Read on Facebook The Last Few Weeks

In the category of "You Can't Make This Shit Up," the awards go to these things posted in the last two or three days.

"Barack Hussein Obama is Muslim." - The author's reasoning - His middle name

AC Delta Electric Co. Inc has a picture of it's van.  On the back of the windows it says # of employees under Bush 37 # of employees under Obama 2 - The author's reasoning - probably because he's a racist, but it's unclear since I don't know the person.  Only one small problem with AC's claim  The company started in 2010.

"Obama is allowing illegal immigrants into this country at a record pace." - The author's reasoning - unsure, but between January 2009 and today, more illegal immigrants have been deported than under any president, including those who served two terms. The total population has actually slowed to the same levels of the 70's and 80s. It spiked from 1990-2009, especially under Clinton.

"Obama doubled the deficit." - The author's reasoning? - He thinks Obama is the worst president in our nation's history.  He also despises math.

Multiple claims about abortions: - Multiple author's reasoning - religious, political and personal views

"Most women who get abortions are uneducated."  - almost between 55-60% have some college."
"Women who get abortions don't have Jesus in their life."  - nearly two thirds of all abortions are performed on Christians, with Roman Catholics being the highest percentage.
"Women are using abortion as birth control." - More than half the women used birth control when they got pregnant.  If the average woman used abortion as birth control, they would average three abortions per year.
"Women who get abortions don't understand the gift they are giving up." - 60% already have one or more children.

"The soda ban is unconstitutional, because the government shouldn't be allowed to control what we eat, regardless if it's bad for us or not." - The author's reasoning - a complete hatred for Mayor Bloomberg and a misconception that the government doesn't control what we eat already.  See FDA, which actually has lower standards for organic farms and deems free range as any animal that is allowed to walk freely an hour a day. Similar to prisoners on death row.  Also, killing yourself is not a civil liberty.

"The wars started over a decade ago have only cost $1.3.trillion dollars, so you can't blame the deficit on Bush, it's all Obama's fault." - The author's reasoning - the author is correct in that 1.3 trillion being spent on the wars. There's one problem.  When that number is used, it doesn't count certain things.  Our rebuilding Iraq, the money allocated to medical service here and abroad for our military and for our enemies civilians (of which 225,000 have been killed) and the money given to Pakistan during this time (nearly $400 billion - not exactly money well spent by either President involved).  The estimated true cost is upwards of $4 trillion and counting.  The majority of that money being spent under Obama's tenure for obvious reasons.

"The US is becoming a welfare state and it's the biggest hit to the economy." - The author's reasoning - this is what we have been bludgeoned with since the GOP started their campaign in 2010.  The reality is, actual welfare recipients make up a paltry 4% of our country, of which 1/3 are off of it within six months and almost 2/3 within two years  It is also, only 3% of our annual budget.  If you add food stamps (and I will admit, I found this number on a conservative website before confirming it) the total cost is less than 9% of our entire budget. 9% of the budget aiding nearly 50% of our country.

Countries with universal health care spend more money on health care than us, but where do people go when they need surgeries?  The authors reasoning - Hating Obamacare and feeling universal medicine is just the beginning of some socialist uprising.  The fact is, countries that have universal health care claim it is at most, 4% of the GDP and all residents are covered.  Our system costs the government 7% (and rising) and over 80 million Americans have no or minimal health coverage.  In the 80's people did come to America for surgery and the belief is this is still true.  Yet it is not. Many more Americans are travelling abroad for surgeries performed in high tech Asian hospitals, performed by doctors taught in the U.S. and at a cost, on average of 80% less than it would cost to here.

"Homosexuality will destroy the sanctity of marriage." - The authors reasoning - Ignorance.  50% (other charts have it as high as 54%) of all marriages end in divorce, with 41% of all first marriages ending as such.  There are nearly twice as many divorces as there are abortions (for what it's worth).  The average marriage that ends in divorce lasts eight years. Red States have higher divorce rates than blue states.  Atheists, who have no religious rules against divorce, have the lowest divorce rate (21%).  One quarter of divorced families with a child are living below the poverty line.  There have been famous research tests done on infidelity (one being the infamous Kinsey report) and most are very different in their views on infidelity.  In the larger tests, a staggering 78% of married men have admitted to an affair and 72% of women.  Just to put it in perspective how open it's become, a website that caters to people looking to have affairs with other married people has 12 million customers. That's 10% of all married couples who are openly seeking an affair.   Here's the best stat.  Homosexual couples who are legally married around the world are half as likely to divorce as straight couples.

So there are some nuggets to chew on.  The Internet is a wonderful thing.  This blog, was a little more research oriented than most, but still, all this information was obtained and confirmed.  Scary how much we post on the Internet without actually checking the facts.  I for one do not and have no problem pointing out other's laziness and ignorance to do so.  I know sometimes it's just plain funny or it just sounds so great, you need to post it, but isn't being right about a topic more rewarding than someone writing LOL or Damn Straight on your Facebook page more rewarding?


  1. Mr. Backman. I have a continuous debate going on with friends over a variety of subjects and every time I divulge a source, my friends pull some crazy source off of FOX News or some conservative or religious website that has no credibility whatsoever. In infuriates me that when people show positives and truths they are asked for sources, but when people who are against civil liberties and equal rights, they are free to post whatever nonsense they wish.

    That being said, I will tell you that I got much of my information from the US Census bureau, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Guttmacher organization, prochoiceorg, Manta, multiple government websites, etc Not one source was a "news" source, with the exception of Forbes magazine. My desire with this blog was not only to be informative, but to FORCE those wishing to debate me to do some research of their own. If they can find valid sources refuting these statistics, I welcome it and am willing to be corrected. My main goal was to prove that we post multiple things daily without ever caring about their validity and this has made us a very lazy nation.

  2. I agree 100%. The only argument I would make is that even so called "reliable" sources are becoming skewed. We live in a world where people post facts but also leave out facts that go against their position. I am in no way saying that is what you do did. I enjoy reading blogs on blog spot, and it's free, and happened to come across yours. Hope you have a great day.


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