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What Is Pissing Me Off/Making Me Happy 2012 Version

Back In June of '09, I was pretty pissed about a lot of things and I wrote a blog called A-Z of what is pissing me off.  I also did a version about six months ago detailing the things that made me happy.  Without going back to them, I'm going to list the things that make me angry and happy and then go back see what has changed, if anything in my angry and happy worlds.

January '12 Version

A: Apple - I'm tired of hearing about Apple and Steve Jobs. I've never owned an Apple anything  and I don't plan on it. You love your iPhone, I love my Droid. Avocados - I can't get enough of them. I put them on almost every sandwich I make and have given up on cold cuts.  This is my protein source.  I also love mashing them up, mixing them with onion tomato and cream cheese and making a breakfast spread for English muffins.

B: Bradley Cooper - I hated the Hangover, so I didn't immediately fall in love with him.  I may be wrong, but he is just a pretty face and not even that pretty.  I can't think of one good movie he's ever been in and I don't think he ever will be a star in the way that so many other pretty boys have become, because he lacks the talent.  Bachmann - OK, I don't really like Michelle Bachmann at all, but I have to say, she handled the onslaught of abuse with a class that so many couldn't.  Her views are more cockeyed than her own eyes, but she showed class and dignity throughout and I respect that.  She has become the anti-Palin, which for anyone is a good thing.

C: Cancer - It took so many lives that affected my friends and I and I'm sick of it.  All these doctors and drug companies, all these useless charities with their incessant phone calls and we're no closer to a cure.  A friend and I spoke two nights ago and we both have come to the realization that it is only a matter of time and this will be our demise too.  Coffee - I don't think I could drink more coffee than I have lately.  I can't get enough.  I am actually trying to cut down, but it's difficult, I love it so much.

D: Desire - I have desired things I can't have recently and it's killing me. I've desired people, situations and personal satisfaction regarding minor things in my life.  I've obsessed at times and it's made me crazy.  I've got to get back to taking what life gives me and not giving into this vice.  Debates - I said I was going to cut back on endless debating, but it's in my blood.  Even when I know there will not be a common ground, it gives me life.  It makes me feel useful on those useless days.  I can't stop and I won't stop.

E. Eating too much - I know it was the holidays, but it set me back quite a bit.  I was eating big breakfasts.  Having lunch only three hours later.  Afternoon snacks and cheese platters before dinner.  Then dessert and wine after.  I need to get back on track and back on my "diet."  Emma Stone - Saw Easy A about a month ago and I fell in love with this young actress.  Can't wait to see The Help now.

F: Fakes - I wish people who have and will stab me in my back would stop telling me just how much they care about me.  It sickens me.  I'd rather them tell me to suck it up and get over it. I'd hate them, but have more respect for them. Be real, it's so much easier.  Friends - I don't mean the people we hang out with all the time. I mean the people whose time we cherish.  If this doesn't make sense to you, you need to reevaluate your friends.

G: Garbage - Every time I walk outside my apartment I see cigarette butts and trash lining the sidewalk and sometimes even in the flowers in front.  I assume for the most part it's people driving or walking by, but I know at times it is people who actually live here.  It's despicable to think someone would litter in front of their own home.  Gay Marriage - I'm happy that my friends who are gay do not have to live with the stigma or the silly moniker of "life partner" anymore.

H:  Holidays - I don't actually hate them, but I hate the memories of better times. Times when my mother was there. When I had a little more money to spend on people.  When everyone wasn't tired or angry all the time.  A more innocent time.  Holidays - spending time with my father, my brother and his wife and of course my grandmother.

I: IRS - for making my life miserable on two occasions this year.  I also hate them for having the most ignorant employees who are basically useless.  I am to blame for some things, but trying to rectify problems with people who are dumber than dirt makes the process trying at best. Invites - While I was away for Christmas, I was invited two people's homes for the holidays.  It was very sweet and much appreciated. Those people matter to me.

J: Justifying myself - I'm tired of saying something I think is cut and dry, is true and not with malicious intent and having it seen as badgering or criticizing.  Especially from people who are quick to judge me and my ways.  Jameson - I don't love it, but it has become a valid excuse for a lot of faux pas over the past six months.

K: Kardashian - I think Kim Kardashian is a beautiful woman, but it troubles me that her bowel movements get front page news, while kids are dying overseas. I could use almost any letter and any reality TV star for this, but her latest scandal, was nauseating.  Kittens - I think I'm going to get a cat soon and I want to get a kitten.  I want the camaraderie and the affection that a baby gives me without the crying and the diapers.  I said kittens, because part of me says I want two.

L: Loud noises - Recently I've noticed I'm more jumpy than normal.  I was waiting to cross the street the other day and someone honked and I jumped out of the way.  I was zoning, so it just shocked me, but I realized the other day, that a lot of noise really is starting to bother me.  I'm getting old.  Lamb Chops - Had them NYE and forgot how much I miss them.  Once I get tbings in order, they will be a weekly occurrence.

M: Makeup - I think girls are starting to wear too much makeup again. I may be wrong or maybe I'm just more into real looking people than sex dolls and I've given up on the Barbie look (never really liked it).  Midnight walks - I've been going for brief walks to clear my head at night. It is comforting walking in the dark. The silence and the stars.  Very soothing.

N: New Jersey Jets fans - All season long they boasted and bragged, but when their team shit the bed they have the audacity to say that they are better off not in the playoffs.  Fair weather fans at their finest.  Night - when I think about things.  Not always healthy, especially when I act irrationally on those thoughts, but very therapeutic most times.

O: Obama haters - It's fine if you don't like him, but don't say he's done worse than Bush.  Statistically, it just isn't correct.  Look things up before you make statements, because just stomping your feet and talking louder doesn't make it so.  Olives - I've really been into olives lately. Not sure why, because i never liked them as a kid, but recently, I can't get enough.

P: Pizza in Westchester - I don't know what has happened but I have not had a quality slice of pizza in Westchester in well over three years.  I've had one or two good, but none that I would classify any higher.  Puns - a friend keeps posting puns online and I always join in the fun.  One of mine and my father's favorite pastimes.

Q: Quiet - I used to cherish, but lately, it's an all too familiar occurrence.  Quaker Ridge School - my only job right now and one of the few bright spots in my life.  I have the kids to thank!

R: Romney - It scares me that this man is running. I don't feel like it's because he can win, but because he will do more to divide the country than is already happening.  It's a scary time and he's probably going to make more unjust than preserve peace.  Let's hope he's a bigger man.  Rides - friends of mine have been very helpful and given me occasional rides to and from my job.  It's appreciated more than they can ever know. 

S: Sleeplessness - I have chronic insomnia and only sleep for short periods of time.  It's causing some internal and external issues that I need to address, before it becomes a health risk.  Sleep - when i get it and it's a good sleep, it's the best thing in the world.

T: Thinking too much - I  do it often.  I think constantly about my mistakes and what could have been. Sometimes the burden is too much to take.  Sometimes there is no one to turn to.  Sometimes, it breaks you down.  Tebow - The man has given me a reason to watch my football team again. Religiousness aside, he's made a difference.

U: Unemployment - the lack of existence and importance in life has taken its toll on my psyche. I need to find something that stimulates me and makes me happy.  Along with some money.  Uni - Sea Urchin roe.  A friend introduced this to me on a date and it was one of the best things I've ever tasted.
Haiku, here I come.

V: Verizon Wireless - a necessary evil, but the bill is crazy.  The service has improved, but I really question if I need all the stuff I have.  Visuals - lately I've noticed I see better and notice things more.  I'm hoping this isn't  a sign of me going deaf or some other sense lacking, but I just seem to see things in a brighter light lately. Sometimes I think I see things that aren't there.  Maybe I'm going crazy?

W: Weather - Is this really a topic for Facebook every single morning?  Wontons - I have Chinese food on the mind  and East Bamboo is open in less than four hours!  Crispy fried wontons, some boneless ribs and an order of chicken wings.  Maybe an egg roll, steamed dumplings and who knows, some hot and sour soup.  Sounds like a lot, but I'll make it last three meals.

X: Xmas - it's a perfectly acceptable short form of Christmas, but right it and you get the wave of abuse that you are taking Christ out of Christmas.  I thought Santa did that.  Xi - don't have a clue what it means, but you can use it in Words with Friends.

Y:  Yearning - The things I'm yearning for, I know I will never have. None are materialistic things, but they are all important. To grasp one again, would be magic.  Youth - NYE I hung out with a few people younger than I and it reminded me that in some cases age is just a number.  I do miss having my whole life in front of me though.  When so much of it is in the rear view mirror, it can get to you. I have enough youth in me though to keep on trucking.

Z: Zero tolerance - I hate people who are not tolerant of anyone who isn't like them. I cringe when I think of a world that is all alike.  Zoo - I miss the zoo.  I need to have a kid in my life to take to the zoo. The last time I went I had a blast.  Maybe someone will take me and let me be the kid. I promise I won't ask them to carry me on their shoulders.

I'm sure some are similar, but this took a while to write and I was playing WWF while doing it and I might be losing my grasp on this game.  So goodbye for now.


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