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Deep Thoughts or Delirious?

Well, it's 6:30 in the AM and I'm still awake.  Another bought of insomnia which seemed like a passing fad while breathing the crisp Ithaca air.  So here's my second blog in the last six hours.  Just a few thoughts on this foggy Wednesday morning.

Two and a half years have passed since "Obamacare" was passed.  I'm amazed that about 90% of all democrats and independents don't know what's in it and 100% of Republicans don't care what is in it.

You know why Twitter is cool.  Since I've been on it, I've received responses from tweets from Rutger Hauer, Adam Richman and Gael Greene.  I've had a few of my tweets favorited by various comedians and some TV personalities.  I'm also followed by my favorite chef from Master Chef, Monti Carlo.  The best was having a news person ask me to call into her show.  On Facebook, I just have friends tell me to shut up.

I have watched two prime time television shows in the last three weeks.  Other than sports, I truly don't care to watch anything.  Grimm seems to have jumped the shark.  New Girl got a little stale towards the end last year.  Up All Night is hilarious, but it's 30 minutes. I can deal without it.  Only show I truly miss is Criminal Minds.

Spending two weeks with my father and grandmother made me realize how horrible it must be to live so far away from family, you'd have to fly to visit them.  As much as I want out of Westchester, I don't think I could move further away from them or my brother.

From 9am Sunday morning to 9pm Tuesday night, all I ate was a bagel with butter, a small bag of M&M Peanut, a PK Bacon Bleu burger and a can of tuna.  In the last 10 hours I've eaten an egg roll, five chicken wings, some pork fried rice, two steamed dumplings, five friend wontons and a small order of boneless spare ribs.  Did I mention I gained since September 14th?  This sucks, because I was at my lowest weight (tied with when I got out of the hospital) since about 1999.

I started my after school program on Monday.  It's been a while since I've had work and while I do get paid for this, I needed it so much.  Those hours with the kids mean so much to me.  I could feel myself smiling the entire time.  It's been a while since that's been the case.  A long while.

Today I took a cab to work. I took it back too.  A total of about eight miles round trip and it cost me $30.  $24 for the rides and $6 tip.  They raised their prices $2.  Now, I know the economy is bad, but I see these guys driving day and night and I've seen their sheets some days with 30-40 trips.  Just seems to me raising the price 20% on local trips is ridiculous.  It's also hard forking over the tip, when you know the driver is already getting about half of the money to begin with.  $2 sounds like nothing, but if I have to take the cab every trip the rest of this month it will be an additional $68 dollars and a total of $510 which will be a huge percentage of what I make from this job.  Anyone know anyone who wants to drive me.  I'll give them $50 a week for eight trips.

About three months ago I told myself to start writing something substantial.  About three months ago, I had three thoughts in my head of what to write about.  Three months later.  A blank page.  Any thoughts?

I pay roughly $110 a month to have my phone. In the past month, I've probably played 400 games of Words With Friends. Made about 100 tweets and Facebook Status updates.  I've texted about 500 times. I think I've made about 10 phone calls in that time.  Ridiculous.


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