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Pre-Debate Mini Rant

Everyone knows I'm passionate about this race and have been very vocal about who I am not supporting.  What people don't know is I'm not the biggest Obama fan.  When he was running, I warned many that this man literally promised everything under the sun and anyone who knows anything about politics knows that getting stuff done in four years is difficult.  What he then went on to do was attack all these promises.  Some were things he knew he had to compromise on to have bigger issues go a little easier.  Some he dropped the ball on.  Now here is what's astonishing.  Most he's actually accomplished or is in the process of accomplishing.  The one thing he did not accomplish was lowering the deficit.  This should have been of no surprise.  The day he announced the extension of the Bush Tax cuts, he had sealed this fate.

In the past few weeks we've seen a tape of Romney praising the inhuman of Chinese factory workers, belittling nearly half of Americans and lying to the American public about what he is going to do.  We've seen Paul Ryan, who is one of this country's biggest deadbeat politicians, make a mockery of everything from women's issues to voting laws.  This last episode, where he pretended to wash dishes, was a slap in the face to all the wonderful people who do this for real. 

I am angry.  I'm also sad.  I've been debating this for a long time now and let's all be honest and stop with the "I hate Obama because of the deficit" bullshit.  Anyone with an ounce of intelligence understands that nearly 80% of his deficit is Bush's wars, Bush's taxes and the carryover of Bush's recession.  If you don't know this, you're stupid.  If you don't believe it, you're a liar or too lazy to educate yourself.  These are the facts.  

I am angry, because I see that hint of racism in so many posts.  So many comments, especially recently have become more an more race oriented.  It's one thing I won't tolerate and a major reason I've taken a little time off with the open discussions.  People use their faith, their upbringing and their backgrounds to try and cry foul, but the reality is, this man is a likable man, while Romney is about as despicable as I've encounter in politics and that says a lot.  The bottom line is, if Obama was white, this race would have been over months ago.  Half the people in this country are against gay marriage.  The same half is against universal health.  The same half is against welfare, yet many of these same people are on it.  This same half is against everything that allows equality.  Why?  Well, maybe it's because they aren't for equality.  Our founding fathers weren't for equality.  They were for the equality of rich land owners. Plain and simple.  

Here's how you know someone is a closet racist.  When they say awful things about the man and when you ask if it's because of the color of his skin, they reply with "He's only half black."  He's a human.  Why does it matter?  

Nothing that happens in tonight's debate is going to change the minds of those who have made up their mind already.  For those who are still in the air, I hope they close their eyes.  Listen to the words and then think about whether or not those words were true.  If you're not sure, you have the web at your fingertips.  Use it. In November, I'm not voting for a party, a color, a certain topic or social fight.  I'm voting for the man who told the truth the most.  Who acknowledged his failures and successes and has a plan.  I would like to think, having a plan is important.  In these debates it's proved irrelevant.   I'm very scared by this.


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