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#100DaysOfHopper Day 60-61

Day 60: I don't know what has me more worried, women who care about the movie 50 Shades of Grey or the ones who publicly admit to mentally demoralizing themselves by reading all three of the novels. This has nothing to do with the content, because Erotica is the number one selling genre among female readers. Yes, us dopey ass men can't visualize sex in our minds, which is why our idea of romance started with an ice cream and the backseat of a car. Women like to be mentally stimulated, which makes the whole 50 Shades of Grey phenomenon even more disheartening. Not only was it poorly written and poorly edited, it's not even the least bit erotic to anyone with higher then a fourth grade education. I mean how many times can someone repeat "my inner goddess," before any self respecting woman throws the book against the wall?

Listen, I myself read quite a few excerpts from this piece of trash, just to see what it was about and I can honestly say, I got a bigger boner from Free Willie.  And no lie, just the title, because I'm a guy and we think with our dicks. Seriously, even that shitty movie stimulated my grey matter more than this written diarrhea and that is saying very little.

If you're into this kind of novel and would like to see a film version to get your minds and loins going where your significant other is failing, may I suggest watching The Secretary, 9 1/2 Weeks, Body Heat, Y Tu Mama Tambien, Lady Chatterley's Lover, The Lover, Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! Emanuelle or the American remake of Jean Luc Godard's classic Breathless. All are much more cerebral and are sure to stir your obviously dead libidos. #100DaysOfHopper

Day 61: I've tried to not make these little commentaries about me or directly call out anyone in particular, but that might change a little.  Well for today, at least.

When you were in elementary school, you were taught things you didn't know, by someone you assumed knew the right answers. As you grew older and school became more of an exploration, you were asked to go an do research on your own, formulate your own thoughts based on this research and then prepare them in a written document which would later be graded based on its accuracy, originality and how insightful it was. So why has that method of learning completely stopped?

The majority of my "friends" are between the ages of 25-55. Now this is a large age group and I've posted this age group for a reason. My younger acquaintances, many no more than single digit ages, are inquisitive. They are handed a problem or asked a question and if they don't know, they immediately look it up online. They use a number of clicks until they are happy with the results and then they proudly represent their findings.  My friends who are older, use tangible text, such as encyclopedias, dictionaries and other text, to formulate some sort of answer that they believe to be complete and factual. This is how it is done my friends.

Posting completely erroneous information, found from a source that is completely biased in one direction or another is lazy. Posting quotes from other people, without checking its authenticity is also lazy. Posting meme and video after meme and video of something you believe to be true, without ever checking it's factual orientation is no lazy, it's ignorance.

Last night, during a discussion, I had a conversation about the difference between education and intelligence. Years dedicated to one topic doesn't promote intelligence, it promotes knowledge in said topic, that is all. Well rounded intelligence is the ability to not only retain knowledge, but the ability to search and attain more knowledge on any number of subjects. Education assumes that you did this, but who knows whether you did enough to get an A or just enough to get a D. Who knows if you have retained all or any of that information and we haven't even thought about whether or not the information has changed since you were learned about it.

One night, while I lay in bed, my boredom was overwhelming. I thought about this very topic and here's what I found. Over fifteen data filled "facts," with sources. Only two were accurate. Seven quotes, only one accurately showing the correct author and the actual words he had used. This was my favorite. Eleven Bible quotes with comments below written by the OP or their friends. Not one, not a single one, understanding what the quote meant or the context it was written in. Lazy, uneducated or ignorant. I'll leave the people who posted them to choose their own labels. Like I said, I don't like directly pointing at one person for the failures of so many. #100DaysOfHopper


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