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Truly Bothering Me

I haven't written a blog in a few days.  It's not because I don't have anything to say, it's actually the opposite.  I wrote a blog the other night and it was about a few things.  It was about my being out of work and the pain it causes me when I talk to people making $100,000+ a year who can barely put a sentence together.  It was about about friends whose indiscretions I have let slide and how it's come back to bite me in the ass.  It was about the rampant infidelity running around the Eastchester area and the Catch-22 it puts me in.  Do I lose a friend to do what's right?  And at the end of the day, is it right?  I also wrote about my botched recent relationship and the differing opinions on what went wrong and my inability to make it right.  I spoke about my recent political debates, both in person and online that sometimes get heated, but always respectful, until one person decided to call me out on Facebook and make it personal.  The person and I got very nasty and normally, I'd feel guilty stooping to that level, but I know enough about this person to know they are the type of person you'd piss on if they were on fire.  The funniest thing was this person called me a tough guy, but posed a threat (online no less), telling me he was coming to find me and that we'd meet face to face.  I can't tell you the number of people that contacted me telling me what a complete asshole this guy is.  Ironically many of these people are people he calls good friends.  At the end of it, the therapy I gain from some of these blogs was received just from putting it down.  I then deleted the blog and went to bed.  I slept pretty well that night.  For a change.

So I decided to make a short list of things that are truly bothering me.  Truly make me wonder about the whole mankind thing.  I feel we're falling into an abyss of mediocrity and people have just stopped trying.  I don't like what I hear on a day to day basis and at times it truly scares me.   Here's some of the things on the top of my list.

I've read multiple articles about kids and television, computers and other devices that act as an electronic babysitter.  I'm so opposed to this.  I have stated before that if I ever have kids, despite my love for Sesame Street.  My children will not learn about Elmo from my home.  I will talk to them, read to them and play with them.  I did not have a TV in my bedroom until I was 19. My brother never had one while he lived at home (although he was more addicted to the computer due to his age).  I see the kids that get plopped in front of TVs and I see the effects socially.  It pains me, because its too sensitive a matter to bring up to anyone who is not family.  The negatives far outweigh your 30 minutes of quiet time on a Tuesday evening.

People who bash the OWS who don't get it.  I really don't have much more to say about that.  If you couldn't take five minutes out of your day to try and understand that the majority of America is tired of having 1-2% of the country control it, then you are too lazy to argue with.  I also don't like people who argue, but don't know the facts.  I recently had a discussion with someone who went so crazy, they walked out of the bar we were in and didn't come back.  How do you expect to be taken seriously when you can't have a debate with friends?

The public's perception of someone who changes something in their life is skewed.  I decided to stop  drinking for a bit, due to numerous reasons.  Now when people see me, they have mixed emotions,  Some see it as a sign of weakness.  For those people, I say, you want me to drink?  Pay my bar tab!   Some see admitting a problem publicly is a fault. to those I say, look in the mirror and who has more faults.  Some think it was a scam to try and woo a girl back.  For those, I say, she's been gone a month and a half and I'm still not drinking. Was she the catalyst?  Absolutely, but that is not to say there weren't bigger reasons (money for example).  Here's the funny thing that differentiates me from most.  I'm the exact same person drunk as I am sober.  Sure when I'm drunk, I might make stupid phone calls or texts, but the reality is I do those sober too.  Just not 15 times in one night...usually 4-5 though.  I have friends who think it is great, but sometimes I think there reasoning is more selfish.  Some might think it's good, because they can't go out with such frequency and feel jealous.  Some because it's just not what they do to socialize.  Some are genuinely happy, because they feel I will add years to my life and be around a little longer for them to bust my balls.  I appreciate the busting.  I do.

I also have a problem with people's honesty, sincerity and their inability to be real.  I hate when I hang out with a group of people and the second one of them leaves, the others start badmouthing that person.  Even worse, is when you leave and then you get phone calls telling that this one said this and that one said that.  If you feel that way about someone, why would you hang out with them.  I also have a hard time with people just saying how they feel about you to your face.  I'm not talking about when you're in an argument, sometimes that's better left unsaid.  I mean, if you have a problem with the fact that I'm smitten with someone, that you don't think is right for me...don't tell ten of my friends.  Tell me.  If you think I'm not looking hard enough for a job, tell me, not someone I used to work with or for. If you think I'm the problem with the system, explain to me how, but don't say it, if you're working off the books or manipulating the system.  If you think I have a huge ego that isn't warranted, explain that to me.  Just come prepared to defend yourself and appear smarter than me, which (egocentric comment insert) might be tough.  If I argue with you about something, don't think it's just to argue. I may be doing it as a friend for a variety of reasons you might not understand at the time.  If you think I'm playing devil's advocate, make sure I am, because if I'm sincere in my beliefs, you better brush up on the topic or be ready to defend your actions.  If you have anything to say to me...say it to me.  That's all.

We all want to be happy.  I want to be happy.  I come across as a miserable bastard, but the reality is, that I could have things much worse.  I have had companionship in the past that hasn't made me terribly happy and I wanted to change that.  I met someone I liked, kinda fell head over heals too quickly and basically in my actions, her situation and outside interference, it was over before it was started. I tried to hang on for dear life and just pushed the person away.  They now want basically nothing to do with me and see every one of my actions as a negative, even when I'm explaining my feelings.  I have friends who have told me to run.  So has she.  I have friends who have tried to hook up with her all the while telling me how bad she is.  I have friends who have done this and told me how great she is.  I have friends who have told me to follow my heart, but to be prepared for the worst.  I have friends who have told me I have to stop being so intense.  Those are the people, I should listen to.  Those are the people that get me.  But changing who you are, when you have something in your head is tough.  I brush a lot of stuff of, but when I put my mind to something, I go all out.  This, almost always ends badly, because i build things up in my head and they never live up to what I expect or don't turn out that way.  It's a vicious cycle.

In the end, I just want people around me (and even those who aren't) to be real.  Don't lie to me.  I'll find out.  I always do.  Don't say something you don't mean.  I have a memory like a steel trap and it will cause us grief in the end.  Don't tell people things about me you don't want me to know.  I have a strange ability to find these things out without even trying.  If you have a problem, with me or with someone else.  If you need something.  If you want to talk and you're truly my friend.  Approach me.  Don't go through outside sources, because the respect I will lose for you will make my view very different than if you came straight to the source. 

Finally, in an attempt to end this with some humor.  Can we please stop posting these dime store psychiatry motivational posters on Facebook.  Most of you aren't that deep and these only make it show.   Can we also take a look at out profile pics and mobile uploads.  If 90% of these are the exact same pose and facial expression, will you please sign up for your vasectomy or get your tubes tied tomorrow?  If you are in an argument with a family member (especially a spouse), please keep that in house.  Status updates probably aren't the place for this to be aired.  Finally, it's holiday time.  You know we can't get enough pictures of your kids and pets dressed as ghosts.  JK, I've loved all the pics of kids who went pumpkin picking.  Truly adorable. Pets...not so much.  I have a liking for about four animals in the world right now.  My friends three cats and my neighbors dog. 

Oh and just in case anyone was wondering...we might have to start an OHT (Occupy Hop's Thoughts) because this is the top 1% of what's bothering me.  I didn't even get to people who cheat on Words With Friends!


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