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#100DaysOfHopper Day 73

Day 73: Late night/Early morning edition. I'm saddened by the posts during the summer that talk about parents wishing school would start and their kids would be out of their hair. Especially when I see them with more than a month of summer to go. I don't think there are any times in my life I'd rather revisit than the time spent with my parents each and every summer of my childhood. To even for a second think that I was the last person they wanted to be with is unfathomable.

Last year I wrote about a similar situation and I joked about making a log and then sending it to each and every kid on their graduation day. A present of sorts, letting them know that there initiation into adulthood is complete and now they should know just how those proud parents really felt. Obviously, this isn't something I would do, but remember folks, who knows what kids will be able to check on in the future. How do you think they'd feel at 15, knowing at 12, you wanted them anywhere, but with you?

As someone who doesn't have kids and who most likely will not end up having children of my own, you don't know what reading these posts do to me.  The idea of having a child to mold into a man or woman is the one thing in my life that plagues me. My life, for the better part of the last 25 years, has been working with kids. It's my love, my passion and the thing that has kept me sane in a time of my life when I needed it most. I honestly do not know how I will function this October without my classes. I'm lost.

Every time a teacher counts down the days left in the school year or a parent starts counting the days until school a little respect for that person leaves me. I'm sorry if it's judgmental, but it's how I sincerely feel. Anyone who knows me, not on Facebook, but really knows me, knows that I adore children and if there is one talent I have in life, it is my ability to teach, build confidence and entertain. This post isn't about me, but it's about what I don't have and what I truly envy. I don't ever want money, cars, a big house or anything that most of you see as success, because those are all material items that can't be replaced by the pride I'd feel in every step that child took. I know it's not an easy job, but it pays more than any in the world. I just wish people realized that and appreciated what they have. #100DaysOfHopper

 Day 73 Part 2: Here's a brilliant idea.
If you were once heavier than you like or skinnier...
If you once drank and couldn't control it.....
If you once had sex with every stranger you knew...
If you once didn't think twice about religion....
If you were once a drug addict....
If you once had a hobby or vice you felt controlled your life....
If you at one time didn't know or understand spirituality....
If you were once in a bad relationship and ignored others....
If you once let your job consume your life...
If you once didn't realize there are simple pleasures out there....
If you were once a bad person....

Can you please stop thinking you invented the wheel? Some of us more well adjusted people...
Have a few extra pounds
Like an evening cocktail or five
Enjoy sex and don't think it should be stigmatized
Realize faith is between the individual and their chosen deity
Are smarter than that
Need something to take their minds off of real problems
Are at peace and don't need to chant or do an exercise to attain it
Looked in that mirror and listened the first time
Aren't as materialistic or narcissistic
Take time to smell the flowers and watch a sunset
Have always thought about others first.

I'm all for helping those in need, but throwing out how much better you think you are because you gave up something that others enjoy is just being a jerk. I'm happy for all of you who through pain and suffering, loss or hitting your personal rock bottom have come out ahead of the game, but maybe you should spend more time looking in the window and not singing your praises. For some of you it took 20, 30, 40 or more years to realize what we've known our entire lives. Maybe, just maybe, you are preaching to the people you should be apologizing to. That mirror you now look in, wasn't always so shiny and clean and many of us tried for years to tell you, so we don't need a lecture about it now. Just a thought. #100DaysOfHopper


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