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Our Government Office - A Portrait in Failure

I spent this morning at two government office today and in doing so, I think I know exactly what is wrong with this country.  I walked in around 10:30 and was told I had to wait until 11:15 for the meeting.  As I sat, I watched as the receptionist did all the work.  While she was putting files together and helping people as they came in, two men sat their and talked about how little everyone is doing to find a job and how they are all liars.  Two things struck me about this conversation.  One was the fact that a government paid employee would have the audacity to say these things within earshot of about fifty people and the second was that the conversation lasted about 20 minutes.  While a room full of people waited, two men had a conversation about other people's issues. 

During this fiasco, I recognized the woman I had met upon my first visit.  She and another woman were making copies and stapling them together.  Very haphazardly, I might add.  It quickly dawned on me that this was in no way a two person job.  One, copier machines collate for you and two, these should be already printed out and waiting to go.  Then they called us.  Eight of us.  The woman I previously knew ran the "class" and regurgitated the exact same dialogue she handed out to me weeks before.  Verbatim!

As I left she smiled and told me that my benefits would be on hold for ten days because I missed the original meeting, but would be paid in full.  I quietly a very politely approached and said "Let me get this straight.  I receive a letter dated August 25th telling me I have to attend a meeting on September 8th and I miss, so I love my benefits?"  She nods.  I then explain "I received this letter on September 6th."  There was no number to call, so I couldn't explain my not showing.  I followed with, "I then receive this letter dated September 9th explaining my benefits were being stopped.  Only one problem.  I didn't receive it until Monday the 19th."  She apologized for the problem and said it would be remedied.  I was about to walk away and let all this slide, but I couldn't.  I turned to her and said, "Miss, I know this is not your fault, but you work for the government.  Every single aspect of this process is computerized.  I have a problem knowing that our government recognizes an error and immediately a letter is printed up, yet it takes ten days to arrive at the person it needs to?"  She nodded and I walked out.  Onto the IRS building.

I arrived at the IRS building to a security guard standing outside.  He followed me in and I emptied the contents of my pockets and he told me which off to go into.  I get upstairs and I ask the woman at the desk who I speak to about filing multiple tax returns.  She asked which years and I explained 2009-2010.  She explained that I was in the right place, but she doubted that they could handle both years in one day, because they were short staffed.  I looked behind her to see three people at desks.  One was on the Internet and two others were talking.  Three people waited in rows of chairs behind me.  I asked politely if they could possibly squeeze me in.  She paused and said "OH, my goodness, it's almost noon.  Look at this crowd.  Actually, come back another day.  Try to be here early, we like to finish by lunch."  I stood in disbelief.  I was basically just told that a government tax office for all of Westchester County, could not handle the workload of four people, because it was almost lunch.

So with an unemployment rate near ten and these offices obviously in need of extra staff, couldn't something be done?  OR how about this?  What about hiring out of work people who will do the job rather than continue with people who obviously don't care.  How about not "training" people how to look for a job for 11 minutes (actually it was closer to 9, she was the last one in the room) when you've just made them wait up  to an hour?  How about not hiring people who tell you they can't do their job, because it's almost lunch?  I realize these are the lowest levels of government, but this is where the problems start.  It's what I like to call "trickle-up politics."


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