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Ten Topics of the Day

I've been off the blog due to no computer. I actually did one from my phone, but it proved quite aggravating. So here are ten thoughts to get my juices flowing. They quite possibly could become full length blogs within the next few days. Any requests?

1. Same sex marriage - Why do we care what people do in the bedroom. I know church going people who like to be tied up and peed on, bnd two guys or girls who want to exchange vows is deviant behavior?

2. Sexting - at what point does it honestly seem like a good idea? Especially if your name just happens to be Weiner.

3. Derek Jeter - as much as I hate him for being a Yankee, I can't help myself, as a fan, but to root for him. I'm honestly sad to see him hit the DL.

4. LeBron James - 99% of the league wishes they could suck to the tune of 18pts, 7rebs and 6ass in the finals.

5. Red Dawn - why is this being remade? Didn't it suck the first time?

6. Diets - why do people take diet advice from people who have always been thin? What the fuck do they know about weight loss. I've been in great shape and I've been in awful shape. I've lost 53lbs in the last year and 22 since Christmas. I haven't dieted once. I drink all the time. I don't exercise. Wanna know the secret? Stop fucking eating so much! Sorry Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, etc. I gave up the big secret.

7. Hummus & Guinness - lose weight and ruin the ozone at the same time.

8. Comedies - when did it become a rule that the only thing that people find funny are dick and shit jokes? It's like the entire nation is evolving into a geeky 12 year old.

9. Summer clothing is here - why does this paper say I must stay 50 feet away at all times? And I'm sorry, I didn't know she was 15, because none of my friends parents let their daughters dress like whores are that age. Is it really progress to let your teenager look like Britney on a meth binge? Juicy!

10. The Voice - I hate reality competitions, unless they involve Padma or lamb chops, but this show has won me over. You know what separates this from all the other singing competitions? Talent. Last Tuesday the 7th worst (out of 8) singer was better than anyone on Idol not named Carrie Underwood and you know who it was? Frenchy Davis who was booted from AI.

Well those are the topics I've been thinking about as it relates to Pop Culture. Don't let me get started on the Republican debate, because that was just hilarious. Please someone just clear one thing up for me. Is Newt Gingrich the guy from the old Keystone Light commercials? You know the one with "bitter beer face."


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